50. When God Is Gone and the Devil Takes Hold [edited]

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It had been a few months since Abaddon woke Jensen up. It had been a few months since I had seen my son or even talked to Jensen about what had happened.

He thinks that what Abaddon woke up in his head is the only story.

There are 3 parts to every story.

His side.

Your side.

And the truth.

I stood in the middle of my apartment when I heard the doorbell.

I walked around the corner and went over to the door.

I swung it open as Jared walked into the room in a tux.

"Well don't you look dapper?" I said back to him.

"What are you doing dressed like that?" Jared looked at me as Genevieve walked into the apartment after him.

"Don't you look sexy?" I smiled back at her.

"You are going to this event."

I glared back at her, "I haven't heard from Jensen for the past 2 months, what makes you think that he is gonna wanna see me tonight?"

Jared glanced back at Genevieve. "I think you should talk to her."

I looked back at Genevieve. "What is going on?"

Genevieve leaned up against the island, "Jensen is leaving Supernatural at the end of the season."

"Why is that a big deal? They will either kill him off or just end the show."

"He is moving back to Texas after the show wraps." Genevieve glanced back at me.

"He is taking the kids with him?"

"No, he told Jared that he wants Jared to get Finn and bring him back to you."

"So just like that Jensen is gonna walk out of his life?"

"Victoria, I really think tonight is the night to do something."

I glanced up at her as Genevieve pointed over to the bedroom.

"Yea, let's get me dressed for the night."

Jensen stood infront of the bathroom mirror looking back at the person that he thought he was.

Jensen dropped his head as the whiskey glass infront of him was empty.

"Hey Jensen, the car is here for you." The babysitter called down the hallway to him.

Jensen pushed the glass into the sink as it slid down to the bottom of the sink then tipped over.

He walked down the hallway as he stopped to see Aspen and McKenzie standing in the living room with gowns on, "What are you two doing?"

McKenzie glanced up from her phone, "We have a party to crash."

Aspen smiled at Jensen, "We are your dates."

"I don't know what Victoria didn't tell you but I don't need you around or want you around."

McKenzie looked back at Aspen. "Yea about that Jensen."

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