➳ Chapter 11 ➳

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➳ "And bro, you should've seen her face! She was not expecting it!" Rafinha exclaims, his eyes wide like this was the best news he ever had. 

Neymar shuffles about in his bed, "Well, of course she wasn't. It's not like she knew you were getting her a dress." 

"An expensive, beautiful one too!" Bruna adds, smiling at herself whilst she looked at herself in the mirror, holding up a necklace against her neck to see if she liked it or not. 

"Yeah, what she said. I like the other one baby!" Neymar adds, and then turns back to Rafinha. 

Rafinha just looks at Neymar, giving him that look and then smiled. "Oh, that reminds me. I need to give her the necklace I brought her." 

Neymar and Bruna laugh, speaking at the same time. "A necklace too!" They all started laughing because Rafinha was not one to go full out for a girl, especially since he was not good with shopping for a female. He even struggled trying to get gifts for his sister and mother.

There was still an hour before the party would start and Rafinha was all ready. He was all ready expect he wasn't wearing a tie. He wasn't sure if he should wear one or not, but the real reason was that he wasn't great with ties.

Alessia walked over to the door, knocking even though it was already left open. Rafinha hears the knock and turns around and notices Alessia standing there in the dress, with her hair up in a sleek but simple bun. Nothing too extra, just classy and elegant almost like a princess at a ball. Her makeup was very natural but this time, she had more of a glow on her cheekbones and the colour on her lips spoke for her whole look. The dress really complimented her figure and she looked even more beautiful in it. She paired some heels with the dress and her natural tan added to her beauty. 

"What do you think?" She asks, looking down at the skirt of the dress and smiled to herself.

Rafinha walks closer to her, small steps but big admiration. His eyes followed her figure starting from the bottom, all the way to the top. When he did get to the top, his eyes met hers. And she smiled. "So, what do you think?" She asks again, hoping for a response.



"I-I mean you look amazing. Like a princess." He adds, smiling so hard but also fascinated at the same time by her beauty. Alessia smiled and was about to say something but he quickly added, "But something is missing." 

She looked at him, confused. Really? What was it? He then held her hand and walked with her over to the mirror where they faced the mirror, looking into it. "What are you doing?" 

"Nothing, just something." He adds, walking over to the bed and picking up a box. He opens it, pulling out a diamond necklace, which was simple yet breathtaking and walks up behind her. He then leans his head closer to her ear and whispers, "Do you mind?" 

Feeling shy, she whispers and replies back, "Um, no. No I don't." 

Holding the necklace with both his hands, he reaches his arms in front of her and wraps the necklace around her neck gently, letting the strand of metal collide against her soft and delicate skin and does up the chain.

Alessia touches the necklace as she looks at him do it up from behind, smiling in the reflection. "Oh my god, Rafinha this is beautiful." She whispers.

"I know, that's why I got it for you." He adds, smiling looking at her in the reflection. She turns around, facing his perfect self and smiles at him. The smile that always came so naturally whenever she was with him. 

"Rafinha, you're missing something." She asks, her face now frowning as she looked at his attire.

He raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

She says nothing, walking over to his bed and noticed a silver looking grey tie just thrown across the bed. 'Boys' she thought. Picking it up, she walks back over to him and wraps the tie around his neck and stands closer to him than usual.

"Oh, I was going to wear that I-"

"Mhm, I bet you were. That's why it was thrown so drastically across the bed right?" Alessia laughs, moving her hands in different directions, as you would do when putting a tie on. Rafinha looked at her face closely, looking at her concentrated and focused. It wasn't long before she looked up and noticed the way he was starring at her. In this moment, they allowed their eyes to connect with one another until she pushed herself away.

"Uhm, it's done now." She clears her throat and blushes as she smiles.

He looks at her and then down at his tie, "Oh, yes. Yes it is."

"Shall we go Mr. Alcantara?" 

"After you Miss Russo." 

The two exit the building and Rafinha smiles at Alessia, "I'll go pull the car out. Be right back. Stay here okay." He sounded so reassuring when he said that and it made Alessia happy.

Out of nowhere came Maryse, and she did not expect to see Alessia and nor did Alessia expect to see her. Maryse eyed the way she was all dressed up and looked confused. She couldn't take her eyes off the necklace that sat against Alessia's neck.

"Where are you off to?" She asks, as if she were interrogating her but Alessia made no effort when replying. "A party."

"Oh, so he chose you did he? Won't be a matter of time before he chooses me over you. You don't deserve him Alessia, face it. You never cared anyway in the first place." Maryse sniggers, rolling her eyes at Alessia.

"But he chose me right now right? I couldn't care less what you think Maryse. I just wanted to be civil but you started this." Alessia replies, a slight tone of sadness to her response.

In that moment, Rafinha pulled up in front of the two girls. He got out of the car and walked over to Alessia and realised Maryse was standing there. "Hi Maryse!" He smiles at her and then opens the door for Alessia, putting his hand around her waist as he escorted her into the passenger seat and then closed the door and waved at Maryse before he got back into the drivers seat and started up the ignition.

Maryse eyed Alessia as she got into the car and Alessia looked at Maryse and then looked back at Rafinha once in her seat. And they both drove off to the party, leaving Maryse fuming with anger.

"Waheyy it's our man and oui who's this fine young lady?" Suarez laughs when he notices Alessia walk beside him into the party looking all elegant.

"Hi Suarez." She smiles when she sees him.

"Oh, call me Luis please. And Alessia, this is Sofia my wife. Sofia, this is Alessia, Rafael's girlfriend." He introduces them both and then laughs and grins at Rafinha whose eyes widened. 

"Nice to meet you Sofia and n-no-" 

"Come this way." Suarez laughs indicating them all to walk into the party where all the other boys were.

Rafinha had brought a few gifts with him and Alessia held a bouquet of the finest flowers. Rafinha quickly turned to Alessia, "Sorry about that, it's just Luis being annoying." He says, as he quickly kicks Suarez's shoe from behind making Suarez almost tumble and trip.

"Hey!" He turns around, whispering making Sofia look at him and Alessia giggle.

"It's fine." She laughs, being all cute again making Rafinha smile. 


Quick Author's Note

I hope you're enjoying this story so far and ship Alessia and Rafinha. My friend LEGENDMESSI has just started and published her first Leo Messi fanfic It Won't Stop and it's so good! Make sure to give it a read because it's one of my fave books. My other cool friend alcantara- is also writing a really good Rafinha fanfic Déjalo so make sure to go read that too! love u all, peace out!

p.s. This gif is me af. Let's face it, we all really need men like Rafinha and Neymar who do weird shit. 

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