You're my home. *

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Well apparently I'm shit at updating wowe nobody is surprised
Nonetheless I'm sorry for that - so I'll make it up with maybe a triple update this weekend?

Also I think I'm gonna start doing these "QOTD"s ???? Cause I wanna get to know my beautiful fellow sinners x

So, how old are y'all? (I'm 16 :D)

Author : momolady on ao3, show em some love !
Ship : Otabek Altin/ Yuri Plisetsky
Summary :
Yuri invites Otabek to his new home for the New Years. After having been apart for so long the two hope to reconnect.

Additional Tags / Notes

near future, fluff and smut

Enjoyyy x


Yuri came home to his small flat, shivering with the cold. He sneezed and rubbed his hands together. He lit the fire and set a kettle to boil on the stove. He shrugged out of his heavy coat and hung it by the door. His mailbox was overstuffed. Full of presents and cards from friends and family. Of course, his grandfather had sent her several boxes and Christmas letters. Yuuri and Viktor had sent him a card and a gift. There was a box full of homemade cookies that said they were sent from Makkachin.

Then there was a small package from Otabek. Inside was a card and a scarf that was heather gray with faded purple leopard prints. He wrote Yuri letters more than Viktor, long ones full of his days training and working with some of his coach's new recruits. He had recently been talking about a young boy who reminded him a lot of Yuri. He had been talking about teaching, opening up his own business and teaching others to skate. Perhaps become a coach one day, he had said. It made Yuri laugh but he had been all too serious. He was happy with his work and with his life. Save for missing Yuri which he never failed to mention.

Otabek was drawn to Yuri since that day in that fated ballet class all those years ago. He had taken one look at him and had found something in Yuri he admired.

Yuri tried on the scarf that Otabek had sent him. It felt feather soft and it was as light as one as well. He felt instantly warmed by it like he was wrapped in Otabek's strong arms. He sat back down and pulled out his letter.

"I hope you like the scarf. I saw it in one of the shops and I instantly thought of you. It isn't as flashy as your usual taste is, but I thought of you regardless. Viktor told me you were going to go home for New Years. I'm hoping I can find some time away so that I can come visit.

I hope your work is going well and you're staying healthy and warm. I am hoping when I get time off I can come see you and visit your new home. I miss you. You know this. You must get sick of me saying it. You must be sick of me in general, I can hear you now saying I could just as easily email or text you. For me, I am able to put more feeling into letters even if you do not understand me.

I hope you had a good Christmas, Viktor told me you went and stayed with him and Yuuri. I'm glad you have somewhere to go. I can't write much today, but I'll sit down and write a better letter when I get the chance. I hope I'll get to see you on New Years.

Yuri held up his letter and could smell him on the pages. He tucked his letter back into the envelope and turned his attention back onto his tea. He missed Otabek, missed his warm embrace and strong hands. He missed his tender kisses and the way he whispered with his deep voice and lips to his ear. He missed lying beside him in bed and listening to his heart pound faster and faster the closer he inched. No one had ever loved Yuri like that. No one had ever been willing to wait for him.

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