Chapter Nine

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The sushi unfortunately didn't work to lift Rhys Ryan's annoying mood. Even when we went shopping, he acted like he didn't want to be doing it. When he was in Harrods (causing chaos in there, may I add), I happily left the group for about half an hour. I just needed some time out from the ill-fated shopping trip, if you know what I mean. During my time out from the moody Mr Ryan and the very keen staff and the borderline hysterical fans, I did manage to find a gorgeous floaty chiffon cold shoulder top. I wasn't in the mood for trying to find a dress for the party tonight. I not only didn't have the time to find one, I didn't have the inclination, either. I'm not even sure whether I'll be going now. I'll have to see how the rest of the day goes before making my final decision. Hence, the purchase of only the gorgeous little top. It will easily add some pizazz to my work trousers and heels, if I do decide to go to the party after all, and it's also something I will definitely wear again—so it's not a wasted buy if I do decide not to go.

When I eventually met back up with everyone, Mr Mega Famous seriously looked like he'd had enough. Even though he had worn a baseball cap and some shades, he was still being recognised everywhere he went in Harrods. Nightmare! The more mayhem that was happening around him, the moodier he became.

Now that we are making our hurried way back to the cars, there seems to be many more waiting paps and fans—an insane amount of them!

"How about an actual smile today, Rhys?" One pap sarcastically shouts out.

"We love yooooooooou!" Some half-laughing, half-sobbing girls wail out to him.

"Yeah, about giving us and your fans a nice little smile today?" Another pap decides to goad him.

Rhys Ryan suddenly stops, although his face is shadowed by the peak of his cap, I can see he is about to blow; about to negatively react. "Don't give them what they want, Rhys. Smile and then wave. Give them exactly what they don't think you will." My eyes request that he listens and my smile requests that he responds accordingly.

His brows that are angrily pulled in, begin to gently return to their relaxed state. His cold stare, slowly becomes warm. And his grim mouth, curls up into an almost-smile. He says nothing, but his sedate expression tells me all that I need to know. Peeling his eyes away from mine, he turns to face the growing and rowdy crowd. Mr Mega Famous is back, flashing everyone his charismatic smile and waving eagerly at the sobbing and screaming fans. This is all happening whilst his nervy entourage all let out a huge sigh of relief, knowing that this scenario could have turned out so very differently.

Me? I'm just glad that he listened.


When we arrive at the stadium, Rhys is no longer moody, he just seems a little subdued. If I knew him better, I would ask him whether he is okay or maybe just give him a big hug, because he really looks like he could do with one right now. Unable to do either of those things, I decide to just hang around the periphery of everything that's going on. Which is fine with me. I love to people watch. People watching is kind of my thing. When Will asks me to help fetch some merchandise with him, I think nothing of it. Rhys Ryan however, certainly does. Tactlessly so, he snaps at his friend. "Clara isn't here to help you, Will."

Surprised by his sudden rudeness, I quickly defend Will. "I am happy to help, it's better than me doing nothing."

Still, Rhys won't have any of it. "He's on my aren't."

With unrestrained exasperation, I snap. "Thank bloody God!" My eyes flick across to Will, who seems totally unaffected by his friends rudeness yet is obviously enjoying my bitter bite back at Rhys.

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