Chapter Seven

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"There's the thorn in my side!" Rhys is positively far too chirpy for me this morning. After spending too long fretting and not getting enough sleep last night, it's going to take me quite a while to perk up today. And all of that silly fretting seems to have been a total waste of my precious sleeping time, as both Cameron and Rhys are acting completely normal with me.

Cam had met me once again in the Hyde's foyer. He was friendly and polite without a whiff of flirtation around me.

Then there's Rhys Ryan. Who is very much back to his usual and cocky self. Teasing me at every possible opportunity and flirting whenever he feels like it.

I am beginning to think that maybe he was just winding me up about Cameron and about the contagious thing. I was extremely tired last night and probably just read far too much into Rhys just being Rhys. "Were you being a naughty girl last night?" He's crudely smirking at me, waggling his brows as he's looking just below my eyes that show to the world just how tired I really am.

Incensed by his stupid innuendo, I protest my innocence. "No I was not! I'm just—"

Not letting me even finish, he blurts out. "Knackered!" Really pleased with himself because he's remembered the word.

"Yes, I am." I admit, sounding a little deflated as I know it's going to be hard to keep up with Rhys and his team today. It's not just having enough energy for the whole of today, I am also going to need a shed load for the evening as well.

Without warning, Rhys Ryan brings his arm right around me. "Don't worry, we'll all look after you today. I'll ply you with coffee if I have to."

His cheesy big grin down at me is actually just what I need. "Thank you." I sweetly thank him, very much aware of his arm that is still draped around my shoulder.

He proudly grins. "You're welcome." Then squeezing me just that little bit tighter, his grin grows wider still. "Anyway, I need you to get that adrenaline going, as I'd like you to come to the wrap party tonight."

Tensing in his hold, I respond slowly with some trepidation. "You do?"

Beaming from ear to ear, he squeezes me again. "Of course I do."

My eyebrows squeeze together, squeezing as I think about whether I'll actually go the distance...I'm soooooo damn tired! "But I haven't brought a change of clothes with me?" My first reason not to go to the wrap party soon flies from out of my mouth as I'm frowning down at my nice and formal Cigarette Suit. Even if I remove the jacket and wear only the nude coloured silk shirt with the cute cropped trousers, I'll still look like some kind of uptight secretary at the party. Reluctant to say yes, I offer him a too-quick smile instead.

Tilting his chin and frowning, he seems disappointed at the possibility of me not going. "I'd really like it if you'd come, Clara. When I go present shopping, you can buy something then." His eyes are now bargaining with me, hoping I'll say yes.

I do always have my hairbrush, hairspray, hair grips and my makeup with me, so at least I don't need to worry about that. I could maybe just spruce up my hair or something. As long as I get a dress that will match my black patent stilettos, maybe this Cinderella will be able to go to the ball after all? Feeling a lot more positive about the whole after party thing, I finally agree to go. "Okay, I'd love to come."

Rhys Ryan is genuinely pleased, his voice is bubbly and light. "Good!" Then before letting go of my shoulder, he gives it one more celebratory squeeze. "Right, we had better make a move. Busy day and all that. Cam, is the driver good to go?" Cameron has constantly had his mobile phone attached to his ear since bringing me up to the hotel room. Still talking to someone on it, he gives Rhys the thumbs- up to tell him that the driver is ready for him. "Will? Jules? Have we got everything, guys?" He looks across to his faithful friend and assistant, doing a mental checklist as he quickly scans the room for anything he might have forgotten. With a sweeping glance in almost every part of the room, his eyes soon fall on me. His hurried glance seems to settle, like it's happy to linger there for a while. "Clara, stay close...we can cover some of your interview questions in the car." His voice is almost as soft as his stare on me is—both being gently persuasive.

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