Chapter 23

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It's been a few hours, and Rick should be picking me up within five minutes. Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door. Okay, scratch that. Make that five seconds. I fix my blue top that says "HELLO I'M NORMAL". I place my phone on the pocket of my jeans. Then, I put on my purple flats and open the door. I smile, expecting to see Rick...only to see Kendall. 

"Oh...hey," I say awkwardly.

"Hi. Um...where are you going?" he asks.

"Oh. I'm going on a date," I reply.

Okay, maybe I should've said something else. I could've said something like "I'm going shopping." or "I'm going to the library, AKA my heaven." But no. My mouth just had to go all insane and tell him the truth. I mean come on. We just broke up this same day, and now I'm going on a date with one of his friends. Now I think there's a term for that...what is it again? Oh yeah. Slut. But I swear I'm not one. I'm just trying to move fast as possible. A slut would be dating six guys in one night or something. 

"Seriously?!" he exclaims but then gets himsel together. "Okay. Yeah. Sure."

" what were you coming here for?"

"Oh. I was wondering if you wanted to know...but I guess...okay. Sorry to bother you. See ya," he mumbles, turns around, and walks away. 

Well isn't this great? As Kendall walks away, Rick walks over to me, glancing at the dirty blonde boy walking behind him. He gives me a confused look with a slight smile along with it. I bet Kendall wanted to talk to be about...well...him and me. But when I told him I was going on a date, he probably thinks I'm never gonna think of him again. Which is what I'm trying to do, move on. 

"What was that about?" he asks.

He's in casual clothes, a black and white plaid buttoned shirt with pants on. He has a small flower in his hand. Corny. I know he's like that DJ type of guy where I used to talk to him like "Sup bro!" or "Yo, whattup man!". I still do sometimes, but he's a human. He speaks normal too. I can tell he doesn't really get dates often, but oh well. 

I chuckle a bit, "Nice flower."

"Oh. It's for you," he gives the small flower to me. 

"Corny. But cute, I guess," I smile and take it.

I place the flower on my table. We walk out of my room, and I close my door. I wonder where he's taking me though. Hopefully it won't be too public. Not that I wanna be alone with him or anything. It's just that...if we're seen, Kendall's reputation will be over. Everyone will think I'm cheating on him. Nobody except the boys and I know we broke up. If the press knows...let's just say things won't be pretty. That also means I'm gonna get more haters than I already do. As a big time girlfriend, I'm expected to get haters, obviously from angry fans saying "HE'S MINE SO BACK OFF!". 

Rick and I exit the hotel. Since it's around eight o'clock, the moon is up and shining well. Rick leads me along the sidewalk, and as we walk, we don't say a word. It's not a comfortable silence either, if I have to add that fact. By the look on his face, he seems to be a little nervous. Heck, really nervous. Am I causing or that, or is he just nervous that the date won't go well? 

"Hey. You okay?" I ask, finally ending the silence we had.

"Huh?" he flinches. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

" just seem to look really nervous tonight." I reply.

"Oh. I'm fine. No worries. We're here anyways," he tells me.

I look up and see a sign with glowing neon words. It's a club. Well the last time I ever went to a club was..well...never. This should be fun. Maybe a few drinks wouldn't hurt. Rick and I enter the club, and the first thing I notice is the fact that the dance floor is totally crowded and filled with people grinding on each other, having a really good time. The lights are flashing colors, and the speakers are blaring hot tunes. Everyone seems to be having a great time here, and I'm hoping for a great time too.

We walk over to the bar and get a drink. I don't drink too often, nor do I drink a lot. So, I just take a small bit of the drink Rick has rodered for us. I chug down one gulp of the drink, leaving some still on the glass. The burning yet delicious sensation hits my throat, and I chug down the rest of the few. I refill my glass with only a little, just the same amount as before. Rick excuses himself to use the bathroom, and I nod. As I'm about to drink from my glass, a boy takes Rick's seat. 

"Is this seat taken?" the boy asks with a half smile. 

"Yeah. My date's sitting there," I reply casually.

"Well then where is he? Is he invisible or what?" he looks arount the club, as if looking for somebody imaginary. 

"He went to the bathroom," I tell him.

"Boys don't take that long, you know. He's probably grinding on some chick," the guy slurs, obviously a little drunk.

"Can you just leave? It's crowded anyway. It would take a while just to get across the dance floor," 

"Not until I have some fun with you. Wanna get outta here?" he smirks.

"No! Leave!" rage starts growing inside of me.

"We haven't even had some fun yet," 

The boy starts to irritate me, and I swear, my ears might have smoke coming out of them anytime soon. He's flirting with me. He wants to get out of here and have some fun. Well not the rain on his parade or anything, I don't wanna have fun with some dunken idiot. 

He unexpectedly grabs my shirt, and I feel the tough force he uses. He's strong enough to get my to get off my seat, leaving me standing. The boy pulls me to a corner, closest to the bar. He cups my face, and I quickly smack his hands away. No way am I gonna left him do this to me! Suddenly, he presses his lips onto mine. I don't kiss back. I try to push him away, but I'm failing miserably. His hands go down to my back, only bringing my closer. I try get off, but he's too strong. 

I kick him. Doesn't work. I push him. Won't budge. All my energy is being drained as I keep trying to push him away. My eyes are wide open, but his are closed. Suddenly, a hand taps the boy's shoulder. The boy opens his eyes and glances at the fingers that tapped him. The fingers turn to a fist and punch his cheek, bringing him to the floor. to my surprise, I see Kendall when I turn around. Behind him is Rick, and everyone else watching the scene. 

Kendall goes for another punch, and I run to Rick. Hr makes me go behind him for safety. But what happened? How come Kendall has suddenly come here?

"Rick! Why is Kendall here?" I ask frantically. 

"I saw you struggling on him. With me against that guy, couldn't do it. Called Kendall on speed dial, and he got here as soon as possible," he explains. 

I don't say another word. Because right now, I see the boy stand up and hit Kendall hard. Kendall recieves another hit to his stomach. And he falls unconcious. 

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