Chapter 7

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I wake up from my dreamless sleep and walk out seeing the usual things: Aleena cooking and Aleena dancing WHILE cooking. Aleena dances a lot while cooking. Usually, there's no explanation why, but I'm pretty sure what the reason is for this morning. She's still pumped up about the news of going on tour with those five boys, also known as Big Time Rush with Dustin Belt. I sigh and walk inside the kitchen/dining room and sit down on my seat. 

"G'morning," she chirps happily.

"Good morning to you too. Are you still siked about the news?" I ask.

"Uh, SHYEAH!" Aleena exclaims. 

"Woah there, cowboy. Don't scream that much. It's only morning. People still might be sleeping," I say.

"At 9 o'clock in the morning?" Aleena asks sarcastically.

I roll my eyes, "So what's for breakfast?"

"Waffles," she smiles. "And here's your milk. And here are your strawberries."

I mumble a 'thanks', and she takes her plate as well. Her pancakes may be amazing, but these waffles can possibly top that! This is another reason why I love Aleena. She's just such an amazing cook. Especially when she's happy. I gotta get her happy everyday! This way, I can always start the day with an amazing breakfast. She'd be happy, and I'd be eating a world of deliciousness. It's a win-win! If I get her a date with Logan, she'll probably make me bagels, and she'd probably give me cake for dessert! Now that would be awesome.

After eating breakfast, I walk over to the couch and use my phone. My phone suddenly rings, and I check it out why. There, I notice that Kendall has mentioned me in a Tweet. 

@HeffronDrive: Can't wait for the tour! I have a feeling it's gonna be awesome! Do you agree, @Val_Ville?

Obviously he'd Tweet something like that. Totally excited and everything. Typical Kendall. I still know him well because we've basically been best friends since freshman year. If he hadn't asked me out, or if hasn't fallen for me, I wouldn't be uncomfortable seeing him. In fact, I'd be happy to see him all the time because then we'd hang out like old times. But now things are really awkward. From the rejection, to the kiss in the bathroom. Correction. In the GIRLS' bathroom.

Aleena finishes her breakfast and walks out of the kitchen. Today's my day of the week to wash the dishes. Once I see her walk out, I instantly walk back into the kitchen and start washing the dishes. No, we don't have a dishwasher, only because we live in a small house. We can't exactly afford a dishwasher. But washing the dishes gives good exercise fo the arms if you barely do anything in one day. Especially those who just stay in front of the computer screen all day. Well...there's no one to judge because that's me. When I finish, I sit back down on the couch and Aleena comes out.

"Hey, Leen," I call.

"Yeah?" she asks.

"When's the tour? When are we leaving?" I ask. "I gotta know when to pack."

"I just texted Logan, and he said we're leaving tomrorow at 7 AM. So mind as well pack up now."

"Kay," I reply and walk inside my room.

I start blasing some Taylor Swift songs and start packing. 

Our song is the slamming screen door. Sneaking out late, tapping on window. Talking on the phone and you talk real slow. Cuz it's late and your momma don't know.

- - -

Once I finish packing, I take out my laptop and use it. I go on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and all those websites. Do some random reasearch on random things, read stories on Wattpad and Quotev, and that's pretty much what I usually do all day, everyday. I go on YouTube and watch some NigaHiga videos, Danisnotonfire, Jacksgap, Jacksfilms, JennxPenn, Our2ndLife, and many other YouTubers out there. I'm basically obsessed with YouTube. 

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