Chapter 1

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They are beautiful, Just like you" a she-cat purred "Our precious kits, Nightwhisker". The she-cat wrapped her tail around three balls of fur. "Have Our twolegs named them yet?" The tom asked. The she-cat nodded. "They named this one Ruby"she licked a Black and White she-kit on the top of her Head. "This one Pheonix, because of flamisch colour and markings on his pelt, and this one Fenrir" i felt An quick lick on my ear "What's a Fenrir?" NightWhisker asked. "Our twolegs say it's A mythical wolf and the say the markings on her fur is based on that wolf"."So my name is based on a mythical wolf" i thought.

"Mummy, when will she open her eyes?" A she-cat asked. It has been a phew weeks since found out about my name. "I want to play with her" the Same voice squaked again. "She will open her eyes when she is ready". An older Male voice. "Yes, when im Ready". I thought, and a phew moment later i felt something bouncing on me. I opened my eyes. I saw asa Black She-kit Standing next to me. "Hi I'm Ruby". The she-kit mewed. "I am Fenrir". I replied and looked around, "This place is huge". I walked around "I... Is this were we live?". Ruby nodded "Isn't it great". She jumped on me "Let's play!". She mewed and before i knew i layd on the ground. "Hey!" A Different voice mewed "I want to play Too". He jumped on me and Ruby. "Phoenix get off!" Ruby Squaked. "Sorry" he replied when he darted of me and Ruby. "Maybe we can play another game?" I asked. "How about Hide and seek?". Ruby and Phoenix both agreed, "But Who is going to count?" The both Cats looked at each other. "Me!" NightWhisker padded op to us. "I'm going to count and you hide"."Yes" we all three nodded. "Alright then." He started counting "1.....2......3....." I ran away as fast as i could. "Where should I hide" I thought, I saw a Great hole in the door and ran to it. When ran through the hole. I saw a lot of Green. A Dark Green Bush looked perfect for a place to hide. "I am comming". I heard Nightwisker's voice inside. "I Hope he Cant find me"

"I know you're here" NightWhisker mewed a phew minutes later. He had found them earlier than me. I've heard him saying that Ruby hide herself under a couch but, I didn't Phoenix' place. I looked at the door. Some Black paws where coming, Followed by some Black and White paws and some reddish paws. NightWhisker walked at the Bush where I was hiding, sniffed the Air. And looked at a fence. The great Tom flattened his ears while he was looking at something and jumped on the fence. I didnt know what it was. "Uhm...Daddy, are you alright?" Ruby and Phoenix asked. NightWhisker looked Back. "You two go back, I need to do something but, Tell your mother i'll be back soon and that i'll be alright." The kits nodded and walked into the House. I looked at NightWhisker from the place where I was hiding. I looked for a way to follow him, i knew i couldn't jump over the fence but I saw a small hole under it. I ran as fast as possible digging myself into it. "Ow" i mewed.

"What are you Doing here?" I heard Nightwisker speaking to some Cats i've never seen before. "What are they Doing?" I thought. "And where are they talking about?" I managed to get myself through the opening of the fence and laid down next to it. One of the Cats, a Grey and White tom, looked at me. "Is that one of you kits?" NightWhisker looked at me. "Yes" he replied while he walked to me. The tom licked my ear with some comfortable licks and grabbed me. "What are you Doing here?" He asked with my fur in his mouth. I opened my mouth but i said nothing. He brought me to the toms where he was talking with. "This is one of my kits: Fenrir." NightWisker mewed proud. I looked a bit scared at them. One of them sniffed at me and gave me a couple of licks. "Dont worry youn' one" a she-cat mewed. "I don't eat kits" the other Cats purred with amusement.

"Are you glad with your choice?" The Black and White she-cat asked, another Cat snapped at her. "Of course he is Happy, he got some great kits, a beautiful she-cat." I looked questioningly at the cats "where are they talking about?" "But don't you miss your Warrior Life?" NightWhisker looked at me "of course I do but, I have a Family now" NightWhisker gave me ear a couple of licks. "Once you are Done here you can Always come Back" another Cat joked. "I don't think Whitestar wants me Back... She was furious about my decision" NightWhisker answered. "But i can understand it... You are a great Cat and one of the greatest hunters in Cloudclan"

Suddenly All the Cats looked at a bush and a snowwhite she-cat bounded towards them. She was Followed by a Grey Tom. "I knew something was Wrong. You are supposed to be on a Border patrol, Not a chat with a kittypet!" The she-cat gave NightWhisker a suspicious glare. The grey Cat looked at me and whispered something at the she-cat's ear. She nodded while NightWhisker placed a paw in front of me. He met The White cat's gaze. "Go back to your twolegs!" She hissed. "Now!" The grey Cat snapped. NightWhisker pushed me Back to the House. I looked questioningly at NightWhisker. "Where was this All about?" NightWhisker gave one last glance at the cats, Who Followed the she-cat Back to the bush where they came from. NightWhisker picked me up and jumped over the fence. He put me on the ground. The tom sighed and walked into the house.

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