Chapter 3

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Whitestar sat at the lightrock, waiting for the cats to gather. The cats murmered about the subject of the gathering. Whitestar raised the tip of her tail as a sign. The cats stopped their conversation and listened to Whitestar. "I have called this meeting because of two subjects." Whitestar scanned the clearing. I entered the camp with Snowflight. The white cat's tail resting on my shoulders. I looked at the ground while Whitestar continued: "First, I want to introduce a new clan member. Fenrir; from this day forward until you're old enough to start your training you will be known as Fenrirkit. Morningdove, you are the only nursing queen. Will you take care of young Fenrirkit?" The grey queen nodded. "I will take care for her as my own kits." Snowflight led me towards Morningdove. I looked in her clear blue eyes. There was a friendly sparkle in it. "Tonight there is a gathering. The cats who will come with me are:Thunderwhisker, Hollypaw, Oakstorm, Moonfeather, Wolfpaw, Stormpaw, Owlfligth and Spottedpaw" Snowflight, Coppermist and Spotheart exchanced glances with each other. Spotheart whispered something at Coppermist, who nodded in agreement.

Morningdove's tailstip touched my shoulder. I looked at her. "Come, let's meet the others." Her mew was warm and calm. I raised to my paws ans darted after her. "Silverkit, Mothkit and Badgerkit come and meet your new friend!" three kits dashed towards me. "H...Hi" I mewed shy. Morningdove twitched her whiskers. There was a hint of amusement in the queens clear blue eyes. "What's your name? I am Silverkit." The silver furred tom-kit mewed with a gentle voice. "I'm Fenrir...kit" I wasn't used tot he kit-part in my name yet. "I am Badgerkit and this is Mothkit. She pointed her tail to a small brownfurred she-kit "Come with us. We can meet the other apprentices" I looked at Morningdove, who nodded. "Lets go!" Silverkit purred and led the way towards the entrace of the nursery."This place looks even bigger in daylight." Silverkit purred of amusement while he padded to the apprentice den. "Hey Wolfpaw and Stormpaw." Both cats looked up. "This is Fenrirkit." I walked to the entrace. "You smell weird." "How could she survive here, maybe she should head back to her twolegs." Fenrirkit flinched. The young cat was shocked by Wolfpaw's and Stormpaw's hostile reaction. Fenrirkit looked at her paws. "Come Fenrirkit, Let's take a look by the Elders." I nodded and followed. "Uhm...S..Silverkit." The silver tom-kit looked at me "Why where they so mean me?" "Because they think you are a kittypet" I looked confused "A kittywhat?" Silverkit sighed. "I explain later" I nodded understanding.

"Here we are" Mothkit mewed. 'Well if it isn't our new clan member; Fenrirkit." a black tom mewed while I entered the Elders den. "Duskwatcher, can you tel lus a story?" Badgerkit asked. "Of Course kits, lay down."He replied. I did as I was told and layd down next to Silverkit. Duskwatcher started to tell his stoey about how he chased a squirrle. I yawned as soon as laid my head on my paws. "You better be a little more quiet." A different mew sounded during Duskwatchers story. "She must have had a long day." The two elders nodded.

I woke up in the nursery the next morning. "Gppd morning. You must have been sleeping like a rabbit during leafbare." It was morningdove's warm voice. "Alright kit. Silverkit, Mothkit and Badgerkit are already outside." I nodded and dashed out of the nursery. I ran into Wolfpaw by accident. He dropped his freshkill. "Can't you watch out kittypet!"I flinched. "S...Sorry" I began to apologize. "Can't you see I am working fort he clan." My ears flattened "You don't belong he..." "Wolfpaw, shut up birdbrain!"Silverkit snapped at Wolfpaw. "Can you see it was an accident!" Wolfpaw remained silent he grabbed his freshkill and stalked off. "Thank you." I mewed while I looked at my paws. I ddin't want to meet Silverkit's gaze. "No problem, Wolfpaw has no right to tease you." "But why is he teasing me?" "He thinks you are a kittypet" I looked at Silverkit. My eyes were filled with sorrow."And that kittypets can't be full trained warriors" "But that's not true, right?" "Of course not" Silverkit purred. "We are going tob e the best warriors the clan ever saw.Fenrirkit nodded in agreement. Her eyes shone So this is will be the destiny the spirit spoke about. She thought and looked at the sky. Fenrirkit wondered where the mysterious had been.

The sun was setting and other cats padded towards their den. "Eh Fenrirkit and Silverkit, It's time to go sleep." Badgerkit called at the entrace of the nursery. I exchanced a quick glance at Silverkit before I padded tot he nursery. I laid down next to Silverkit. Morningdove gave my ear a quick lick before I felt asleep.

I woke up in a forest full of flowers. "Hello?" I mewed. The strange spirit sat behind me. "Welcome back." She mewed calm. I turned around and met the she cat's eyes. "Where am I and who are you? The last time I met she told me only about a destiny. "This place." The starry cat started. "Is the bridge between Lightclan and Darkclan." I looked around: There was a wall of white light and on the opposite: there was a dark hole. "My name is Lightshadow and this place." She continued after a little break. "Is the border between your ancestors. You are born with a special gift young Fenrirkit." My eyes grew wider of suprice. "A...A gift" I echoëd but Lightshadow raised the tip of tail. "But you are not allowed tos peak about it with other cats, I will meet you in a few days, then I'll tell you more.""Can I come whenever I like?" I asked before she started to fade but no reply came. I looked around and tasted the air. What if my family is here too. I thought. Suddenly. A sound came from the dark side of the bridge "Fenri" I looked up shocked. "Uhm... yes?" I padded slowly tot he dark side. "Fenrir!"I heard it again. "I am comming!" I dashed towards the dark.

"Finally, It's about you woke up" I looked at Morningdove. "You have been mewing the whole night." My eyes grew wide of shock."W..Where are Silverkit, Mothkit and Badgerkit?" I asked. "You'll find them soon..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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