Chapter 2

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It has been a few days since the meeting with the strange Cats. It didn't look like Diamond knew that NightWhisker was meeting with the cats but, he knew them very good. NightWhisker padded up to me. "Hey Fenrir". He mewed. "About those Cats a few days ago. Can we Talk about it tomorrow?" I nodded while NightWhisker grabbed me. "It's Time for your nap little one" I yawned and felt asleep immediately. I noticed a strange scent in my Sleep. I opened one eye and saw that I wasn't in my Safe nest with my Brother, Sister, Diamond and NightWhisker. "Where am i?" I murmered. "Finally you're awake" I looked up. "W...Who are you and why am I here?" The unknown Cat laid her tail on my shoulder "Hush little one. I am here to guide you." I looked questioningly at her. "Fenrir a great Destiny awaits you" the she-cat started to disappear. "wait" I meowed but it was too late. The cat was already gone.

I sniffed the Air. A disguisting smell woke me up. All I saw was an Orange wave. "It's rating everything." I thought shocked. I pressed my nose against my mother's fur "Mum!" I squaked. "Wake up" i mewed while I tried to Wake my Brother Sister and Father, but no-one woke up. I was in panic. I looked around the fire coming closer to me. "Is anyone in here?" I looked at the direction where the Sound came from. "Yes I'm here" I mewed in panic. Suddenly a Flash of Grey fur jumped out through the fire. "We'll get you out of here." I looked at NightWhisker, Diamond, Ruby and Phoenix. My eyes filt with terror "Don't worry." The grey Cat mewed while two other Cats jumped through the fire and dashed towards my Family. The Cats pressed their nose into my Family 's fur, looked at each other and their Heads with sorrow. I started to cough. "We have to get her out of here". The grey furred cat nodded, grabbed me. The other Cats Followed when we jumped through the fire. I felt the Heat of the flames burning on my pads. I squaked Once i saw my fur, which was burned with some Red Sparks.

As soon as escaped the burning House we coughed again. "We need to get to the stream." The other Cats nodded in agreement. "But what about my Family?" I protested, the other Cats looked at each other. "We'll explain as soon as you're calmed down". He grabbed me again and dashed into the forest. "where are you taking me?" I didn't got any answer. "How can he not get lost in this forest and where are the..." "You need to jump into this stream." A mew broke into my thoughts. "There are burning patches on your fur." I placed on paw on the water. "It feels so Cold" I thought. "Just jump!" One of the cats ordered. I did as I was told and jumped in the Stream. "It's so cold" I complained. "We'll warm you up in our camp." I looked questioningly at the three cats. "Camp?" I thought

"What is all this!?"A snowwhite cat stood in front of me and the three cats. "It's around moonhigh and you three sneak out of the camp to enter some twoleg's nest!? I could see the anger in the cats eyes. She was not amused about this, but these cats were only helping me and my family. "What happened to my fa.." "And what is this?" The white she-cat hissed. I looked at her. "She will sleep with you Spotheart, and for all of you, we talk about this tomorrow at sunhigh!" All cats nodded and spotheart waved his tail as a sign to follow him. The other cats followed except for the white she-cat. She walked into her own den. I looked at the tom while he laid himself down in his nest. I laid next too him. The tom looked at me and wrapped his tail around me. It was hard for me to fall asleep

In the morning I felt a few pokes. "Wake up kit." The tom mew. I yawned. "What time is it?." "It's almost sunhigh. I looked around. there were more nests then I imagined last night and the cat looked exactly like one of the cats I met with Nightwhisker "Come"he mewed while he flicked his ear. He led me to a group of cats sitting in front of a high rock, one of them was the white she-cat. I noticed that other cats in the camp were looking at me. "Why is everyone looking at me?" but Spotheart didn't answer.

"I hope you know why I called you here."the cats looked at each other and then at me. I felt hot under my fur. "Yes, because of her..." Spotheart met Whitestar's gaze."And what makes you think that you can leave the camp for a twolegs nest and steal one of their kits?!" One of the cats, a she-cat opened her mouth but Whitestar raised her tail."One traitor is enough"Whitestar snapped at last. "Nightwhisker is not a traitor he is a friend!" The white she-cat protested. "Snowflight, this was the last thing I expected from you" Snowflight Flinched at the words from Whitestar.

"Whitestar" Spotheart spoke, "Maybe Nightwhisker is a Traitor for you but, kittypet or not he is still a friend" ''and talking about 'stealing.'" Whitestar met the speaking cat's, who was named Coppermist, gaze "We went to Nightwhisker's nest and saw it was on fire.."' Whitestar sheated her claws and dug them in the soft ground. "It's not our problem!" Snowflight wrapped her tail around me. "So you would let these cats die?" "It are twolegs they will find another nest." "I am Not talking about the nest. I am talking about the helpless cats who died!" I looked shocked at Spotheart and Whitestar, while tears where growing in my eyes. Both cats stayed silent. "I'm... My family... is dead..." I dashed off "i'll go after her" Snowflight mewed while she darted off. Spotheart stood up and padded off but before he left he met Whitestar's gaze. "She was a helpless kit Whitestar... We only followed our code." Coppermist stood next to Spotheart. "You Always wanted to prove yourself... Well, now is your chance. prove yourself and give this kit a chance." Both cats padded off. Whitestar looked at her paws. The she-cat sighed and jumped oon the High rock. "Let all the cats, young and old, join here under the Lightrock for a clan meeting"

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