FEMA Concentration Camps

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Stick with me on this one. It's a scattered plot, but I promise you it will all make sense.

Okay, to start with we'll talk about what martial law is. Martial law is when the government completely takes over the United States. There would be a curfew, suspended civil rights, civil laws and habeas corpus. (Habeas Corpus is pretty much the right to see a judge when arrested) All of that would be completely suspended. You will have no more rights. Martial law is only in affect after a MAJOR United States crisis.

Now that that's out of the way, let's move on to FEMA Concentration Camps. This theory suggests that the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency has plans of imprisonment on US citizens. For this theory, there is more than one type. The first one would be that only people of suspicion would be in the FEMA camps. The other theory is that a large number of people would be imprisoned and possibly killed in order to start a New World Order.

Some people even believe that these camps are already built, just waiting for Martial Law to take affect. The theorists even say that there are over 800 camps that are fully operational and ready to receive prisoners are any given moment. These camps have full staff and guards twenty-four seven, but have no prisoners.

Now, if that all made sense, you may be wondering where these camps are. There is actually a website you can go to and see where the nearest FEMA camp is to you. (Mine is roughly 15 miles away- lucky me.)

Another part to this conspiracy is that Walmarts that are closing down are actually getting turned into FEMA camps.

Personally, it's not too far fetched. There's a lot that we don't know about the government (some for good reasons though!) but concentration camps wouldn't surprise me. It actually terrifies me. The first time I heard this theory it literally kept me up for a while just thinking about it.

*Again, I am NOT saying this is real. Don't kill me government! I'm just curious and beyond fascinated about this kind of stuff!!*

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