Step Six - Protect Them at All Costs

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Jack walked inside and shut the door. He leaned back onto the door, sighing happily with a huge smile on his face.

"I'm assuming you had fun." Jack heard a voice from across the room. His smile dropped as he saw Felix standing in his bedroom doorway, a cigarette between his fingers. "Where did you go?" Felix asked, his tone dark and ominous.

"T-To the fair..." Jack shrunk back.

"Uh-huh." Felix took a drag of his cigarette and let out a puff of smoke that swirled in the air before disappearing.

"I told you not to smoke in the house." Jack mumbled insecurely, trying to stand up for himself. Felix shook his head and walked over to Jack, making him shrink backwards.

"Okay." Felix shrugged. He put the cigarette out on Jack's arm, making Jack yelp and jump back. Jack looked at his arm to see a deep red burn mark. "Who were you with?" Felix continued their conversation.

"Molly." Jack blurted out. Felix pulled out his phone and tapped on Molly's number. The phone rang for a few seconds, and then she finally picked up.

"Hey, were you at the fair with Jack today?" Felix asked casually as Jack silently cursed himself. A few seconds passed and Jack saw a sinister smirk grow on Felix's face. "Okay. Thank you so much." Felix ended the call and stuffed his phone in his pocket. "So," Felix looked at Jack. "Who were you with?" He asked threateningly.

"Why do you care?" Jack glared at Felix. Felix raised his hand and slapped Jack clean across the face. Felix gripped Jack's hair and made him look up at him. "I'm sorry for being disrespectful, I really didn't mean it!" Jack apologized desperately.

"You listen to me!" Felix knocked the back of Jack's head on the door. "Got that?!" He seethed. Jack nodded vigorously, looking up at Felix with wide, terrified eyes. "You are never allowed to see Mark again." Felix leaned into Jack's face.

"What about school?" Jack asked quietly.

"Don't try and be a smart ass!" Felix removed his hand from Jack's hair and grasped his throat tightly. Jack's breathing shallowed as he tried to yank Felix's hand off his throat, but his grip only tightened. "Do you promise to never see Mark again?!" Felix shouted. Jack tried to answer, but he only let out desperate squeaks. "Answer me!" Felix ordered as he punched Jack in the face. Jack could do nothing but let out choked sobs as he felt the last of his consciousness begin to slip away. Tears waterfalled down his face, and Felix finally gave up and let go.

Jack collapsed to the ground, sobbing quietly. His throat hurt immensely and he could feel his eye begin to swell. He pulled his knees up to his chest as Felix stormed off to his room and slammed the door. Jack rocked back and forth slowly as he tried to calm his heavy, desperate breaths. His head throbbed and his entire body was sore. Eventually, he had cried himself to sleep, alone on the floor.


Jack felt his phone buzzing in his back pocket. He stirred, trying to force his eyes open. He blinked a few times, adjusting to the dim sunlight coming through the window. He began to sit up, his back popping profusely. He rubbed his numb, sticky cheek as he stared as the wall covered in drool. Jack rubbed his eyes, but he felt a burning pain when he rubbed his right eye. Jack slowly stood up, every bone popping painfully as he made his way to the bathroom.

He looked up at the mirror, and his jaw dropped. His entire right eye was swollen and purple. His eyelid was drooping slightly and his eyeball was completely bloodshot. He ran his fingertips gently along the bruises that had formed on his neck where Felix had been squeezing too hard. Jack began to cry softly as he looked at his appearance in the mirror, running his hands through his hair.

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