Step Seven - Let Them Know You Care

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Felix kicked Jack in the stomach. Jack hunched over, gasping as the wind was knocked out of him. He was kicked over and over in the ribs, stomach, arms and legs. With another blow to his stomach, Jack began coughing violently. Blood dropped down his chin and splattered on the carpet.

Once he thought Felix had finished, he just sat there. His mind was spinning, and every inch of his body felt like it was on fire. He couldn't bring himself to move at all. Felix stood there, admiring his work.

Felix then walked to the kitchen. When he came back, he held duct tape and rope in his hands.

"N-No... Felix... Please..." Jack desperately forced himself to speak. But Felix didn't listen. He tied Jack's ankles tightly together, then ripped off and piece of duct tape and stuck it on his mouth. Jack was to weak to fight back, so he lie there on the ground helplessly. Felix kicked Jack in the stomach, then proudly walked off to his room to drink himself to sleep.


The next few days, Felix kept Jack there, continuously abusing him. Every time Jack moved, Felix beat him up again. One night, he came home from the club drunk as hell and empty handed. He did unspeakable things to Jack that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

The next morning, Jack sat against his wall, shaking slightly. He was so traumatized that he couldn't even bring himself to try to escape, even though Felix was gone. His entire body ached, and the hunger and thirst had made his stomach wrench, and made him feel numb at the same time.

He hadn't been to school in days, and Mark had started to really worry about him. At first, he thought that Jack was sick, but he never responded to his texts or answered his phone. He then was overcome with depression and the fear that Jack could be avoiding him. Finally, Mark gathered the strength to go to Jack's house.

He walked up the stone steps and stood in front of the door. At first, he hesitated, thinking he should walk away, but then he knocked.

But there was no answer. Jack didn't even hear it at first. Then, Mark knocked again, and caught Jack's attention.

"Jack?" Mark called softly.

Jack looked around desperately to find a way to let Mark know he was there. But he couldn't move or grab anything, so he banged the back of his head against the wall. It hurt horribly and made Jack feel like he had cracked the back of his skull, but he continued knocking.

Mark heard the soft thuds from inside. "Jack?" He called, slightly louder. The thuds became slightly faster, then stopped. Jack leaned against the wall, wincing painfully. "Jack, is that you?!" Mark called, banging on the door. Jack knocked twice more. "Are you okay?" Mark asked with relief. But there was no response. "Jack, I'm gonna come in now, okay?" Mark grasped the doorknob.

But the door was locked. He kept trying to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. Finally, he stepped back, and with a harsh kick, the door flew open. Mark ran in and saw the horrible sight.

Dry blood dripped down Jack's neck and stained his shirt. He was covered in swollen bruises and he had a huge black eye. Mark ran up to Jack and hugged him tightly, but pulled away when Jack let out a strained sob.

"Jack, I'm so sorry." Mark held Jack's cheek and very carefully brushed away his tears. He then grabbed a corner of the duct tape on Jack mouth. "This is gonna hurt, are you ready?" Mark asked. Jack nodded slowly. Mark then ripped the duct tape off, making Jack gasp as tears pricked his eyes. "Are you okay? What happened?" Mark asked desperately. Jack couldn't even speak about what Felix had done to him. Instead, he started sobbing loudly. "Shh, it's okay." Mark gently put his hands on Jack's shoulders. "I'm gonna go get some scissors." Mark ran off to the kitchen, dug through several drawers, then found a pair of scissors. He ran back to Jack and quickly cut the rope around Jack's ankles and wrists. Even though he was free, Jack still didn't move. He just sat there, allowing his arms to dangle by his side as he sobbed quietly. His wrists and ankles were bloody from the obvious struggle to escape the bonds. Mark stepped back and pulled out his phone, calling 911. Once he was finished, he kneeled in front of Jack and consoled him softly.

Suddenly, Felix ran in through the open door, a crate of clinking beer bottles in his hand. Mark whipped around to see Felix wielding a beer bottle like a weapon. Mark kneeled in front of Jack, protecting him. Suddenly, the beer bottle was smashed on top of Mark's head, the broken glass scraping down his face. Mark stood up and punched Felix as hard as he could across the face and knocked the broken bottle out his his hand, letting it smash to the floor. They fought each other until police ran in the door.

"Put your hands up!" The shouted, pointing their guns at Mark and Felix. Mark threw his hands in the air, but Felix took another beer bottle and smashed it on the back of Mark's head, knocking him down. The policeman whipped out his Taser and tased Felix, making him twitch and fall to the floor. The police stuck their guns back in their holsters and ran up to the injured boys.

"What is your name?" A policeman asked Mark.

"Mark Fischbach." Mark answered, looking up at the policeman. Beer and blood dripped down his face.

"Can you please tell me what your name is?" A police officer asked Jack. He just sat there, sobbing as he leaned against the wall. Paramedics ran into the room and shoved their way through the police officers, checking on Mark and Jack. "He's traumatized." The police officer that was tending to Jack told the police officer next to Mark. "He can't even tell me his name." She shook her head. The doctors tried to pick Jack up, but he weakly swatted their hands away and shook his head repeatedly. Finally, a doctor scooped Jack up, and Jack cried out in pain. The doctors escorted Mark after them, pressing cloths to his face to stop the bleeding and mop up the alcohol.

In the ambulance, doctors checked over Jack and bandaged up the cuts around his wrists and ankles. A doctor tended to Mark's face, cleaning it and trying to stop the bleeding. He kept a cloth pressed to Mark's head. "I'm sorry, your going to need stitches." He shook his head.

"I don't care!" Mark tried to stand and look at Jack. "Is he okay?" He asked, barely catching a glimpse of the nurses hooking him up to several machines.

"It's all okay. Just wait, it'll be okay." The doctor gently pushed Mark back into his seat. He checked under the cloth, and his head still hadn't stopped bleeding. "We're going to need anesthetic. We can't wait any longer." The doctor told the nurse as he pressed Mark's hand to his own forehead. He grabbed gloves and pulled them on, then grabbed a needle from the nurse. "This is going to sting a little bit." He told Mark, then took the cloth off of his head. He then stuck the needle in Mark's forehead, right next to the small gash. He injected Mark a few times, then grabbed a prepared needle from the nurse. Mark closed his eyes as he felt the numb tugging as the doctor stitched him up.

Finally, they arrived at the hospital and they were both rushed inside. After doctors patched up the back of Mark's head and the rest of his forehead, he stood out in the hall and pulled out his phone to call Tyler and Ethan.


I'm sorry this chapter was short, but the next one should be pretty long!

Also sorry this chapter was late. My Aunt is visiting, and we've been doing a lot of stuff with her :)

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading, and if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!

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