The Peculiarity Of Pronouns

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Late afternoon was James Sirius Potters favourite time of the day. The time of the day, when he almost always slept soundly. Getting him into a sensible rhythm and sleeping pattern has proved very tricky. James liked to sleep through the afternoon and into the night, before waking up at just about the time that Harry (if he was off work) and Ginny liked to go to sleep. So, they had to change their sleeping pattern instead.

But today, today was different. They couldn't stop taking, being excitable, and enthusing about the second baby. A week had passed since Ginny visited Padma, and she had another appointment booked for next month. She discovered she was pregnant a lot sooner than she had with James, so there wasn't as much of a need for haste, as there had been that time around.

So that night, Harry and Ginny sat cuddled together on the couch directly in front of the fire. Ginny decided to bring up names, simply because she didn't have any ideas --- on the male side of things. She was adamant for her daughter to be called Lily. That had been settled since James had been settled.

"No idea at all?" Ginny stared at Harry incredulously, as he stated that he didn't have any ideas for baby names. That would have surprised her if she thought he was telling the truth, it didn't seem like Harry to not have any ideas whatsoever. It did, however, seem like Harry, to be too apprehensive to voice his opinion.

"I haven't really thought about it." muttered Harry, adjusting his gaze from Ginnys eyes, to the warm flickering flames of the fire. "I mean, I know what I don't want to call it."

"It?" Ginny laughed, arching her eyebrows in fake irritation. "Beware of the pronouns, Harry."

"Them then." said Harry firmly, grinning.

"Go on then," said Ginny, almost eagerly. She was curious to see what he'd have to say. "Name them."

Harry turned back to face her, and raised his eyes playfully. "Okay, then." He yawned. "I'll start with Vernon, Dudley, Petunia--"

"We've already got the girls name, though." Ginny cut him off. "We've had that decided for ages."

Harry closed his mouth, his eyes lighting up. "You're sure?"

"Of course!" sighed Ginny. "Did you really think I'd be so difficult as to--"

"I didn't want to assume." said Harry defensively. "Ron always says it makes an ass out of you and me."

Ginny rolled her eyes, and shot him a fierce look. "Well Ron is a prat, don't listen to him." Ginny knew Ron didn't really have anything to do with Harrys apprehension, but she wanted to take the chance to insult him anyway. "If a baby girl pops out of my stomach, her name is going to be Lily, and that is just that."

Harry beamed at her. To hear this again meant an awful lot. He leaned towards her and kissed her on the cheek, muttering,"Thank you."

Ginny shook her head. "Don't thank me, they're your children too, I just have to do most of the early work, that's all. Being the mother doesn't and shouldn't give me any sort of superiority, never think that."

Harry nodded several times. "I don't, I don't."

There was a brief pause, broken by Ginny. "So, I have been thinking, and I suppose I'm on the same page as you are, I only really know what I don't want." She cleared her throat. "I feel like we have to leave Remus for Teddy, just in case he wants it."

"And Teddy is named after Lupin too." added Harry.

"Exactly." nodded Ginny. "We've already used James and Sirius, George has used Fred, and I'm not too keen on using my dads name." Ginny was all for naming her children after people, but not people who were still amongst them. Percy and Audrey had very unique reasons for naming their first child Molly, as the history between Percy and his mother was very deep and complex, in ways that weren't always positive. "Bill and Fleur gave Louis 'Arthur' as a second name, as well." That was true, and was another reason why she didn't want to use her father name, she didn't want much correlation between her kids and their cousins, name wise.

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