Missing Them Was Blue

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"Ron," Ginny said warily. "I played Quidditch professionally----"

"Has she ever mentioned that before?" George announced to the room full of Weasleys, Potters, along with one Tonks and Lupin. "Maybe once or twice, on the rare occasion perhaps,"

"That's beside the point," Ginny shook her head, poting down at the package that looked like a broom. "I told you, he's far too young to play on an actual broom. Sure, Harry'll lift him and pretend it's the actual thing, but he just can't actually do it, not yet,"

"Harry was one when Sirius got him his first broom," said Ron defensively. "And he was his godfather, so I brought it on myself to do the same, I even waited a bit longer,"

Ginny rolled her eyes. She turned to Hermione. "How could you let him?"

"I had nothing to do with it," a very pregnant Hermione said. She was due in a little over a month. "Not that he would listen,"

"We can always try it," said Harry slowly, as he watched James and Fred try and heave the broom ot of the wrapping paper. "It'll be fine Gin, I'll stay beside him,"

"Sure, Fred's been flying for months now," butt in George, making Ginny's eyes widen.


"Start 'em early, I always say. Need to give him the edge over his competition,"

"So James is his competition?" Ginny asked him incredulously.

"You heard me," George winked at her.

Ginny scoffed. "Alright then, it's on,"

It took a few minutes to get James away from the wrapping paper, but finally, he started to fly through the fields of the Burrow.

"Watch him," the older Molly Weasley was being held up by Andromeda, as she watched her grandson fly. The stitch in her side was really painful.

"Watch it, Grandma," Dominqiue Weasley's hair blew wildly in the wind, as she zoomed passed her shrieking Grandma.

Ginny beamed at her mother. It was a great sight to see her with Andromeda. The women had formed a special bond after the war. Both had lost a child. More significantly, Molly had murdered the woman, or in Andromeda's case, her sister. To her, however, she was nothing more than a monster. She knew that long before Bellatrix murdered Tonks.

Andromeda was watching a struggling Teddy. Bill was trying to help him fly his broom properly. The boy had always struggled in comparison to the other children. All but the younger Molly Weasley enjoyed flying. Molly was completely opposed to it. Witnessing Dominque accidentally kill a pigeon was the nail in the coffin for both the pigeon and any hopes of her wanting to fly.

Ginny couldn't help but be reminded of Remus, as she watched Teddy scrunch up his face in concentration. She wondered if Andromeda felt the same. Or, perhaps she saw her daughter in him in those moments, for his hair changed colour with his fluctuating feelings.

"I'm telling you," George told Ginny with sincerity. "Fred is a million times better, a natural. Only a matter of time before he's out flying Dom,"

"Hush, you," Angelina poked him in the elbow.

"We'll see about that," replied Ginny, smirking at George. "Might I remind you this is James' first time on a broom, his talent is untried. His potential untapped. So much to work with. We'll see who wins in the end,"

She turned leaving George and Angelina staring after her.

"Kidding, obviously," Ginny rolled her eyes at the married couple. "You two always draw an unclear line, I never know when to stop,"


"Think about it," Hermione said to Ron two hours later. The family were sat around a large table eating an abundance of Molly's food. Hermione had never eaten more in her life. Ron stared at her with a sort of admiration and thoughts of irony. Wasn't it Hermione who constantly critiqued his eating habits. How a pregnancy changed things. "Next year, our girl will be almost one,"

"Crazy stuff," said Ron absently. He was too captivated to notice. By the food, that is.

"I want to cry," Hermione whimpered. Her mood changed with the click of fingers. It had been doing that a lot recently.

George noticed what was going on. He waved his hand in the air.

"Exit, stage left!"

With that, a bawling Hermione and Ron exited the room. Both having a shared desire; for the baby to pop out of Hermione's stomach as soon as possible.


Ginny noticed that Teddy was distant towards his cousins two hours after the meal had finished. He sat on the couch on the third stair watching on as his cousins played games together. It was a strange sight, usually, Teddy was at the centre of all of the commotion.

"Are you alright, Ted?" Ginny walked over to the boy, who immediately stared down at his hands. "If there's something up, don't be scared to tell me,"

Teddy didn't look up but shyly said, "Gran was sad this morning, and I- I never know what to do," As he spoke, his hair drifted from a jet black matching his godfathers to a mousy grey.

"What about?" Ginny felt that the best way to approach Teddy in situations like this was to ensure she knew exactly what aspect of missing his parents she had to tackle.

"About my mummy and daddy, the real ones, not you and Harry," said Teddy slowly. "I'm never sad, not like Gran. I don't miss them . . . because I can't."

"It's okay to feel like that, Teddy,"

Teddy shook his head, as he did so, his hair became a fiery red. "It's not fair."

Ginny nodded. "I know it is Ted, I know. But your mummy and daddy wouldn't have wanted you to be sad. They had to leave so you could be happy, so you could be here and be happy. It's the same for your Gran, and you make her happy everyday,"

"How?" Teddy questioned her in surprse.

"By just being yourself Tedders," Ginny poked him in the belly, making the boy smile. "I know Harry always says it, but even though they're not with you here," She gestured to the surroundings beyond Teddy. "They are with you, in here," She placed her hand whereabouts his heart lay. "I know everyone tells you that, and I know that sometimes, maybe all the time, it doesn't feel like they are, but they are. You just have to believe it Teddy. I would know, your mum meant a lot to me, and I feel her most days. I talk to her sometimes, in my mind,"

"You can talk to her?" Teddy asked. "But. . .they my mum, my real one, can she talk back?"

"I don't know if it's really her talking back," Ginny told him honestly. "But I know it's something, and something is an awful lot better than nothing. Maybe -- maybe you should try it. You'll know it's good if you have a funny feeling here,"

"In my belly-button?" Teddy crinkled his eyebrow, looking down at where Ginny's hand was.

"Not quite exactly where I was pointing," Ginny said with a laugh. "More so in your heart. That's where I know they are. Where they are for everyone who loved them. I have a lot of people in mine, your mum and dad are there sometimes, but my brother, my brother Fred, I feel him every day. I know that in a way he still exists, they all do, I just have to look deep enough. Regardless Teddy, I hope you know they love you and they are always going to be so so proud of you."

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