Mungos ... Again

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"Enjoy work," Ginny yawned as her husband readied himself to apparate to the Ministry. Two days had passed since the birth of Rose Granger- Weasley, and Hermione was still cooped up in hospital. She hated it but appreciated it at the same time. She had come to realise that spending as much time with her daughter was a blessing and was grateful for every moment. Ron was with her through most of it, with the frequent visitors from the Weasleys, Potters and Grangers, the pair were entertained.

Ginny was on her way to bring Teddy back to Andromeda before visiting Hermione with James. Harry, on the other hand, had a long, hard days work ahead of him.

"I won't," said Harry irritable.

"True," Ginny nodded. "I think that I'm going to see Hermione. She's due to leave St. Mungo's later." She offered Harry a wry smile before saying. "I think I'll talk to Padma about a certain someone, while I'm there,"

"About the baby?" Harry asked. Ginny assumed he must have been being rhetorical.

Ginny merely nodded.

"Well, I'll be there," Harry told her with intent. "What time?"

"You have work," Ginny stated simply. She furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't expect you to---"

"Gin," Harry cut her off. He placed a hand on her ever growing stomach. Touching it filled him with excitement. The prospect of having another child come out of that stomach brought inordinate happiness upon him. "I'll be there, you know that,"

'It's not anything important," said Ginny briskly, not giving her husband any time to chime in. "Honest, it'll be a while longer before we can get too much clarity on how they're doing," She placed her hand on his. "Enjoy work, as much as you can. Don't stress about this, it'll all be fine. I promise, for the big ones, we'll go a day you have no work,"

Harry reluctantly agreed.

"I best be off," Harry said with a yawn. "Ron's off so I'll have a fair amount to get through this morning,"

"Will it be a late one?"

Harry shrugged. "Haven't the faintest,"

"Alright," Ginny smiled. "We'll be here,"

"So will I," Harry kissed his wife on the cheek. "Love you,"

Ginny echoed his sentiment as her husband went over and kissed James on the top of the head.

"See you later, Jamie. Be good for Mummy. I love you."

James let out a noise in response. Harry beamed, satisfied at getting a response.

Without further ado, Harry left for the Ministry. Meanwhile, Ginny helped James finish his breakfast and ate some plain bread (for it was one of the only things she could consume without feeling sickly), before flooing to the Ministry.

Ginny carried James close to her chest after the boy decided he wouldn't move his legs in order to toddle through the hallways of St. Mungos. They didn't stop to ask for direction as they knew the exact room in which Hermione would be.

The older girl looked pleased when Ginny walked through the door.

"How is my favourite Goddaughter doing?" Ginny laughed as she took a seat next to Hermione's bed. She looked tired, emotionally and physically, but happy. Hermione would agree that that was how she was feeling. The past few days had been a whirlwind for her and it was a relief to know that only in a matter of hours she could return to her home.

"How's my Godson getting on?" Hermione countered with a grin.

"I figure you should answer first," Ginny arched an eyebrow. "Seeing as you popped out a baby, changing nappies is just a tad easier in comparison,"

"She's good," Hermione confirmed. She jerked her head towards the cot to her left, where little Rose Weasley was snoozing calmly. "The healers have done all the tests and whatnot and it all appears to be perfectly fine. All I know about her thus far is that she's undoubtedly going to be like her father; she just eats and sleeps,"

Ginny giggled. "Where's Ron?"

"With your parents," Hermione answered. "Your mum has been relentless in bringing us this that and the other. Ron dropped by them this morning to stop them coming, I think,"

"Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have come," said Ginny apologetically. "I know that feeling, just wanting to be alone,"

Hermione shook her head. "Don't be silly, you can only go so long being alone before you go insane. I'm glad you came,"

"I think I'm going to pop in and talk to Padma before I go," Ginny confided in Hermione. "It's only three months until this one," She placed her hand on her stomach. "Isn't that so exciting? They'll be in Hogwarts together!"

"That'll be something, for sure," Hermione let out a laugh, thinking about the potential chaos these children could cause, given their family history within the school.

Hermione grinned. "Merlin, if they've inherited their Weasley genes, McGonagall best retire whilst she's got the chance. James and Fred in one year, Rose and this one in another! Heck, the school may as well just close before they get there,"

"Or perhaps they'll be completely unproblematic," said Hermione thoughtfully. "Who knows what they'll be like, that's what excites me,"

"So are you thinking about another one?" Ginny asked a moment later.

Hermione scoffed loudly. "Ginny, I just had one,"

"I know that," said Ginny hastily. She was hesitant to bring up pregnancy with Hermione. It had been a testing time for the woman, given the trouble she had had. "I don't know, I guess Harry and I talked about it almost right away. Granted, it took almost two years really,"

Hermione nodded. "No, we haven't discussed it. But, I don't think we need to. I don't want Rose to grow up without any siblings, it has a sort of inherent loneliness to it, I know this from experience. But, I most certainly will not be channelling your mother. Two or three will be my absolute limit,"

Ginny pursed her lips. "I feel the same way. Considering we have Teddy too, I feel like that almost takes up one of the spots, if that makes any sense. I would say three or four, meaning two more max after this one,"

"The thought of going through pregnancy again, though . . . " Hermione didn't even have to finish her sentence, for Ginny knew the feeling and she was sure that so many other women knew and had felt the exact same one.

"I know," Ginny replied. "But, I'm thinking about it . . . oh wait . . . "

The birth of Rose Granger-Weasley was yet another milestone on the road to the birth of the Potter's still unnamed, child, but little did Ginny know, she would find out a boy was in her stomach in a matter of minutes.

But that wasn't the hitch. That wasn't the decisive issue to put a wedge between the Weasley-Potter family as a whole.

For, as Harry Potter looked through old files in his office at the Ministry Of Magic, from almost a decade ago, he had his mind set on a name for the boy.

Albus Severus Potter.

The smallest of things in life, such as ones name can have an inordinate impact on the bigger, paramount things in life. But no one expected the aftermath after Harry told Ginny of that suggestion, or, in his mind, conclusion, later that night.

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