Good Morning Vocans!

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"That's him!"

"The one from the palace?"

"He's supposed to be really powerful."

"You're sure he's the one?"

"The old king..."

"Poor bugger."

"...doesn't look so tough..."

"...already visited the front lines..."

"...lives with Old King..."

The whispers followed him across the room, just as they did everywhere he went. He did what he always did: ignore, find a corner, keep to himself. Apparently they had different ideas.

"So you're him." He looked up into the green eyes of one of the girls who had previously been sat on the nobles' table. This could go one of two ways, either she would sneer and make snide comments about his past and his current situation, or she would try and get close to him with flattery and flirtatious conversation because of his connection with the Old King. He organised most people into two categories: snides and flirts.

"Depends." He replied shortly after a pause, looking back at his food. Usually his glare was enough to see off the snides and the flirts. This girl hasn't even flinched, making her either a truly vile snide or a very determined flirt. "Who's him?"

"Young lord, orphaned, adopted by Old King Alfric, therefore technically a prince, gifted with a Lycan pup, Toralu I believe, by General Vin, privately trained by Inquisitor Samil. He hasn't been tested yet for fulfilment but it's believed to be in the high teens and rapidly growing."

"Sounds like an interesting guy." He muttered, pushing his food around his plate. No one had ever summed up his life for him before, it was a little disconcerting. So what did this girl want? She hadn't sounded confrontational yet, nor sympathetic. Was she a snide or a flirt?

"He is." That was unexpected, not a snide then, probably. "Why are you here?" Then again.

"Every battlemage trains at Vocans." He still didn't look up, he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of knowing he was confused.

"No," now he did look up and saw that she had raised an eyebrow and turned her head to one side, blonde hair cascading over one shoulder. She seemed genuinely inquisitive rather than false, and very intense "why are you sat here, instead of at a table with the rest of us?"

Then his confusion turned to frustration. "What do you want?" He asked patience at its end. From what he'd heard, even the dwarves had had less attention than this. "As I'm sure you know, I'm a tad behind, so I have a lot to get on with and a great deal to catch up on. So if you don't mind..." He stood suddenly, taking a childish pleasure in her shocked expression. He moved past her, leaving his food uneaten, and made for the exit.

"There's no need to be rude." She muttered quietly as he passed. He thought it was odd that she did so, rather than causing the scene he expected. He ignored her and quickened his exit, the whispers following him as always.

Good morning Vocans!

Hi, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed so far. I've never done this before so apologies for any spelling or grammar or...etiquette issues, I dunno. Next part to follow soon.

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