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"Welcome to your mid year fulfilment test." Inquisitor Rook stood in front of the first year nobles with the fulfilmeter towering above him. "We go through this process with the cadets from the noble houses to see how you are progressing."

"When do you have the commoners in?" Asked the only other boy in the room. Dorien almost rolled his eyes. No one around that you can make feel inferior, eh? He thought as he looked at the boy. He didn't recognise the face.

Rook sneered in response. "They're unlikely to have advanced but Lovett will assess them tomorrow." Dorien watched the familiar sniggers and sneers twist the faces of the nobles in the room, taking little pleasure in the fact that they weren't directed at him for a change. He looked at the girl who had approached him in the dining hall. She had also wrinkled her nose, but seemed to be looking at the other nobles rather than agreeing with them. She turned and spotted Dorien watching her. The look of mild disgust disappeared from her face and she blushed slightly and looked away.

"We'll begin with the ladies I think." Rook continued "Miss Cast." A petite girl with dark hair strode forward with her head held high and placed her hand on the fulfilmeter. Dorien had met Moira Cast twice before at court, and couldn't say he was too impressed. She came from a family that was an offshoot of the Favershams, not particularly powerful in themselves but with strong links on the front line. Twelve lights flashed and twelve chimes sounded. "Congratulations, Miss Cast. Your fulfilment level has increased by one." Rook sounded more bored than impressed.

"Miss File." Moira's friend approached the fulfilmeter cautiously, and it wasn't until the redhead hesitated that Dorien recognised her. Celia File was known among the young people of the noble families as being shy and reserved. "An advancement of one. Congratulations." Rook responded to the fifteen lights and chimes. A strong group this year. Dorien thought to himself.

Rook's tone and expression changed as he turned to Dorien's dining hall friend. "Lady Fisher, if you please." He invited, bowing his head slightly. Dorien was shocked. Nadia Fisher was the youngest head of a noble house in Hominum after her parents were killed on the front line. From what he'd heard, she had been raised by her aunt. He couldn't help but feel a small twinge of jealousy at that fact.

Nadia joined Rook by the fulfilmeter for her testing. "Congratulations, Lady Fisher, your fulfilment level has advanced by two!" Rook crowed like his namesake after seventeen lights and chimes. The other girls clapped politely.

"Gentlemen." Rook continued as Nadia took her place between the nobles and where Dorien had placed himself away from the rest. "Mister Viseryon."

Here was the one Dorien didn't know. He was very short, a full head and shoulders shorter than Dorien, who was only average height himself. The young man had the blonde hair and grey eyes so common among the nobles of Corcillum, but had strangely pointed features.

Lady Fisher must have noticed a change in his expression because she shifted position slightly and spoke out of the corner of her mouth.
"Lytar Viseryon, family just gained some influence with the Forsyth's arms trade. Mother's a noble, father's a labourer or something, kept the family out of favour for a while." When Dorien didn't respond she shrugged and continued anyway. "Bit of an ass really but keeps to himself for the most part."

Dorien began to feel guilty for being rude before but was saved from having to think of a response by Lytar's cry of protest.

"What do you mean, 'no advancement'?" He shouted, ignoring Rook's raised eyebrow and pursed lips. "This blasted thing must be broken! Irideb and I have been training for months!" Rook turned his back on him as Moira and Celia tried and failed to hold back snorts of laughter at Viseryon's outburst. He turned on them and suddenly went bright red. His face fell as he realised what he'd done. "Inquisitor, I-"

"Fulfilment level thirteen." Rook cut across him "Finally, Prince Dorien Hovat." Dorien struggled to keep his temper at Rook's tone, now confidently putting the inquisitor into the 'snide' category. "Your highness, if you would be so kind. We've looked forward to seeing just how much potential you have. Old King Alfric is especially intrigued."

Dorien's nostrils flared as he approached the fulfilmeter, knowing from experience that a retort would only give an individual such a Rook the satisfaction of knowing he was annoyed. He placed his hand on the fulfilmeter and for the first time in his life felt nervous for himself rather than for for the reactions of others. He didn't care what Rook thought. Not Alfric or any of the council members, or the nobles in this room. Not even Harold. Dorien waited anxiously as he experienced the strange probing sensation of the fulfilment test.

A light came on and a chime filled the room. Then another. And another. Dorien counted in his head, sure that Rook and the others in the room would be doing the same. When the counting past fifteen nerves have way to anticipation. He would have been disappointed with less than fifteen considering he had been training with Toralu for nearly four years already.

However, as the mark past twenty he began to feel uncomfortable at the scrutiny of the others. After twenty five he heard a gasp from one of the girls. At twenty seven Lytar began tapping his foot impatiently. At thirty Rook seemed to blanch slightly. The thirty first light flickered before glowing steadily. The chime rang out and then silence. Dorien didn't move, looking up at the line of lights above him.

"Well," Rook said finally "Old King Alfric will be pleased." His voice was tight but his gaze steady as Dorien returned to his spot away from the rest of the nobles. "Especially with all the effort and expense he has gone to in training you." Rook smiled at his own jibe. "With a fulfilment level of thirty one, you'll be one to watch, your highness." He turned to the others. "Dismissed!"

Moira and Celia linked arms and made for the door, heads close together. Lytar followed close behind, looking back once at Dorien with a mix of jealousy and admiration.

"I must deliver my report to Alfric, your highness." Rook goaded, giving a mock bow before leaving.

"You don't like it when people call you that, do you?" Dorien turned to Nadia. She didn't look at him as she spoke but continued to gaze up at the fulfilmeter. "I know how you feel." He almost sneered and delivered a sarcastic comment but she spoke before he got a chance. "I hate it when people call me 'Lady' Fisher. They think I don't notice the tone, that I don't know they use my title in order to insult me because of my age. They think I lack the experience needed to lead my house."

She turned to him then, eyes clear and hard, jaw set, shoulders back and head high. "They have no idea what I'm capable of. They underestimate me every chance they get. I am Nadia Fisher, Lady of Fisher House, soon to be High General of the Fisher Harpies and Seat of the Council of Four, and one day I will give all those who have insulted me their dues." And with that she turned and left Dorien alone with the fulfilmeter and his thoughts.

Sorry, this one was a long one...or maybe the others were just short. Either way, hope you're enjoying, thanks for reading.

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