Arena Royale

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"Who're you facing?" Dorien looked up from his notes to find Tilly stood before him holding her slip of parchment from Arcturus' lesson. "I've got Moira."

"Apparently I'm going to be in a double duel. Poppy is my partner." Dorien looked back at his own slip. "We're up against Almithara and Celia."

"Seems unfair on Poppy." Tilly grimaced "Other than me, she is the weakest summoner in our year. Almithara and Celia both came out at at least double Poppy in fulfilment." She suddenly chuckled "But then from what I hear, you came out double either of them. Maybe Poppy doesn't have it so bad."

"You'll do well against Moira too." Dorien smiled encouragingly "She's stronger than you but she's got no tact. She'll throw everything at you in one go in the hopes of finishing you off quickly." Tilly looked worried rather than reassured. "You don't have to keep a shield this time, it's an official duel. Be evasive until she's wasted her mana. Then when you strike, strike smart."

"This doubled thing seems to be becoming a bit of a recurring event." Tilly sat opposite him, changing the subject. "Celia thinks it's because, when they send us out into the jungle for the search, they want us working better as teams. Normally adepts become too competitive for that during the lead up to the tournament."

"Could be." Dorien shrugged "But then I'm not sure how much stock we should be putting in this rumour anyway." Tilly shrugged in turn.

"Micca's duelling Traeliorn." Dorien winced at the mention of the elf. "I can't even be there to watch and support him." Tilly sighed "It's at the same time as my duel, day after tomorrow."

"I know how you feel." Dorien replied "Nadia is duelling Barrik at the same time as my duel tomorrow."

"I'll support Nadia for you if you support Micca for me?"


"That leaves Lytar against Azdok right?" Tilly smiled slightly "That I'd like to see."

"I think I heard Lytar talking about it at dinner. Their duel is in three days time."

"Well, this is going to be an interesting week then."


Dorien stood at one end of the courtyard leading into the main academy building with Poppy by his side. Across the courtyard stood Celia and Almithara. They stood further apart than he and his partner and Celia did not look at the she-elf. Almithara, for her part, seemed to be meditating. The courtyard was strewn with boulders and similar obstacles. Obviously Nadia and Barrik were battling in the Arena and this was the only other space large enough for the duels.

Samil had arranged for a number of lesser lords to create the protective barriers for the cadets as they duelled. These lords stood with the few spectators that had chosen to attend. Micca, Moira and Azdok stood together, watching. Oddly, Traeliorn was nowhere in sight.

Thankfully, neither was Samil. Dorien knew that the inquisitor would be judging the other duel. In his place, Rook stood with arms crossed in the centre of the makeshift arena.

"You know the rules." The inquisitor called suddenly. "Demons do not attack summoners, a blow considered powerful enough to kill will knock out a combatant. Both summoners in a pair must be defeated for the duel to end." He looked from one pair to the other. "Any questions?" Poppy's hand raised hesitantly, and was ignored. "Begin."

Dorien threw out a hand and created a wall of energy in front of himself and Poppy, blocking the opening salvo from the pair across the courtyard. A fireball and a lightning bolt scattered off his shield.

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