The Catch

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Cadets, Generals and nobles alike descended to the Arena floor to congratulate Dorien as medics came to remove Barrik. The young prince, and now Captain, received many a slap on the back, shake of the hand and even the odd hug from his friends. Micca nearly crushed the air from his lungs despite one arm being in a sling. He'd fought alongside Moira against Barrik and Traeliorn in the first round. Moira was nowhere to be seen.

Celia delicately kissed him on the cheek. She wasn't doing so to flirt, or put herself into good standing with the new Captain, Dorien could see, she was sincere in her congratulations. She and Lytar has won their first round, and despite losing her third to Barrik, Celia seemed relatively unharmed. Lytar had been taken away by healers specially trained to help with the releasing of a demon. Lytar has finally lost control over the Lycan Irideb completely during his summoning round, and it was harming him.

Dorien felt all of the praise and news wash over him. Many were now unsure of how to address him. As a Captain only the Generals outranked him in military standing. Even the nobles, who owned their own armies were technically his inferiors as he was a prince, not a lord or duke, and with military rank added to his already powerful status it was unclear where he had settled on the hierarchical ladder. Those that were confident in outranking him still had to show respect to a member of Hominum's ruling council, especially as all expected Alfric to be watching how they treated his ward.

"Well done brother!" Harold boomed as he approached, all others parting respectfully for the king to pass. He wrapped Dorien in a bear hug, lifting him off his feet. "Do it now." He whispered hurriedly "Whilst everyone is excited for you. Don't let him adjust." He releases Dorien and looked him seriously in the eye. Dorien nodded once before looking past Harold to Alfric.

The old king had remained sat where he was, his expression once more assessing, almost hungry. Dorien took a deep breath and his first step towards the old man. He'd played out this moment more times than he cared to count, and yet he still was unsure how it would play out.

"Congratulations, boy." Alfric wheezed as Dorien took his knee in the sand before him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Dorien replied, looking up into the old man's eyes. As usual, Alfric raised an eyebrow in a design of good humour. Dorien responded in kind "Thank you, Father." He corrected, grinning in what he hoped looked like excitement and relief. "I could not have succeeded without your kindness."

"Oh?" Alfric's calculating expression returned once more.

"After the death of my father you took me in." All were silent as Dorien began his rehearsed speech, keeping it natural and heartfelt, praying that his exhaustion would pass as emotion. "You brought me into your House, gave me a new family when I had none.

"Even had my parents survived they would not have been able to provide for me as you have. Thanks to you I have had the best education and training imaginable. I have more experience in duelling and swordsmanship than many senior commanders in the field." Many of the Generals and nobles present nodded in approval as Dorien flattered the old king. "I wouldn't be here without you. I only hope that I have made you proud. I only hope you think I am ready."

Dorien bowed his head and held his breath. This is it! He could do no more. If he responded how Dorien predicted, pompous and arrogant as he was, Alfric would set himself up for Dorien to take back Hovalli.

"Yes, my son." Alfric replied, a tremor of hesitation in his voice that few would have noticed. Dorien barely dared to twitch a muscle. "You have made me proud. You are ready to take your place as a Captain of the Imperial Army and a full member of Hominum's ruling council." By the end of his response Alfric's voice was as strong as ever, sure that he had cemented his hold over Dorien by choosing to identify 'ready' to mean 'ready to fulfil my plan', and placing another puppet on the council for him to control. I've got you!

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