The Art of Capture

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The Felid was at least seven feet tall, leonine, with copper coloured fur and amber eyes. It was male, a great shaggy mane surrounding it's face.

"Just a bit bigger than Lial." Dorien noted sarcastically.

"It's even bigger than Tori, my cheetine Felid." Celia gasped "And she's been in my family for four generations. It must be very old."

The Felid opened its maw, revealing rows of enormous teeth, and roared. Though they couldn't hear it, the adepts saw the forest shake around it as Bastion tried to back up. The wild leonine charged forward and there was a flurry of movement as Bastion was thrown. When the view cleared it was upside down, suggesting the Hippogriff was on his back. It flipped as he righted himself and hurled his lithe body into the air. The climb halted, the image shuddered and then Bastion was pulled backwards to crash into the ground.

The group heard a cry from the other side of the curtain. Moira was sharing the pain of her demon's injuries. The Hippogriff turned to face the Felid. The scuffle so far had flattened the grass and foliage around them to create a small clearing, across which the two demons sized each other up. There was a pause for a moment before the Felid roared again and charged. Bastion leapt to meet it, landing on it's chest. He dug his claws into the larger creature's shoulders and the view rushed in and out as he pecked at it's face.

Bastion released the Felid as another cry cane from Moira. The Hippogriff spun and the image in the scrying stone jumped strangely. When Moira's demon turned back to his attacker it had a wound on it's chest and seemed to be panting.

"Bastion kicked it!" Micca informed them "Bucked at it like a spooked horse does."

The Felid took a few steps back, judging the situation. Bastion stood a little taller. Finally, the wild demon turned and left the clearing. Bastion waited for a few moments, watching, unwilling to turn his back on his attacker. Finally, he too turned and started back the way he had come. From the way the view from the stone moved, he was obviously limping, and his head hung.

It was going to take him a long time to reach the portal.

In the other stone they could see that Demi still waited, hidden among the trees, watching the Shrikes as they finished their meal. There seemed to be some kind of confrontation developing among the flock.

"I can't see a Matriarch." Nadia commented. "Maybe we're about to see a challenge for leadership among the flock."

"I read somewhere that no one knows for sure how Matriarchs come to lead their flocks." Tilly responded "This might be the first time anyone has ever seen this."

A hush fell over the group as they watched. The Shrikes were spreading out, leaving room for two of the larger Aves demons as they began to peck at each other, and as each clawed and tore at the other's sides with their taloned feet. It was both gruesome and fascinating to watch. The other Shrikes were circling the pair in a way that suggested a pattern, but Dorien couldn't work out what.

"They're changing sides." Tilly gasped. "Look! When one lands a good blow the others are moving to stand behind it."

Sure enough, it looked as if whilst the two were fighting, the rest of the flock were voting for a winner. And one seemed to have far more support than the other. Suddenly, the less popular challenger struck out with its beak, gouging the throat of it's enemy. The wounded Shrike fell to the ground in defeat. The victor stood straight, bearing it's wounds for all to see. The rest of the flock raised their heads and opened their beaks in what the watchers had to assume was a squawk of approval. The flock took off after their new leader, leaving the wounded Shrike to die.

Apparently, this is what Demi had been waiting for because now she left her tree. She approached the Shrike carefully as it kicked and squawked feebly. The Damsel paused before rushing in. The Shrike instantly stopped struggling.

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