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i somehow wasn't keen on sending any paper hearts to yoongi today since he already has a girlfriend now. i don't want to be the reason they break up in the future. but nonetheless, i'll continue sending two more paper hearts and i'll stop.

'dear yoongi,

you know if j were to try to put in words to tell you how much i love you and how much you mean to me, i would but hah, i'm a coward yoongi. you know i always kept imagining us being together but i know that's impossible. you're perfect and i'm just a normal teenage girl who wishes to receive the same love she has from her crush. it's okay yoongi! you're going to make the best boyfriend for the girlfriend you have now but promise to smile if you're with her. if she hurts you, i'm going to kill her hah kidding but no srs if she does, i'll do that.

love, your secret admirer'

i walked with a sad face as i slipped the brown paper heart into his mailbox.

"i knew those paper hearts were for him," i heard someone said as i turned to see my stepbrother.

"iseul, just tell him already. you loved him for months and you only sent paper hearts to tell him how much you love him?" my stepbrother asked and i pondered for awhile.

he was right but no, i can't do it.

"hoseok, don't you dare tell him. or i'll never ever talk to you again," i said to him as he promised me.

we went back home and for the first time, i felt okay around my stepbrother.

i guess yoongi is indirectly making us okay.

paper hearts | yoongi Where stories live. Discover now