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i took out a black coloured paper this time as i wrote it using a silver pen.

'dear yoongi,

how are you doing lately? i hope you're okay and you're doing well. you know, how i wish my hands could ruffle your hair and go through it. how i wish i could press my lips against your lips. how i wish i could pull you in for a hug whenever i feel like it. how i wish i could intertwined our hands together and swing our hands back and forth walking side by side. how i wish i could tell you how much i love you and how i also wish i could cuddle with you throughout the night. how i also wish i could go on dates together and plan our future together. but those are all wishes, it'll never come true. but remember, you're perfect and i will always love you no matter what.

love, your secret admirer'

i folded it into a heart and walked to yoongi's house as i slipped the black paper heart as usual in his mailbox and i walked back home like how i would always do.

yoongi's POV

i eagerly checked my mailbox as i pulled out the paper heart. i read it and frowned. why doesn't she just tell me who she is so that i could fulfil her wishes?

ever since i received those paper hearts, i fell in love with her because the way i see from her writing, she's adorable and she's the one that helped to comfort me and make me happy.

i don't know why she thinks that i have a girlfriend yesterday when i read her brown paper heart. she wasn't even my girlfriend but she was actually my little sister that came back from her studies in australia.

i walked inside as i put the collected paper hearts in my drawer.

"oppa, who keeps sending you these paper hearts?" my sister asked me and i smiled to myself.

"my lover," i replied.

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