Repentance of Love! Leon's Heart-Wrenching Decision!

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((Again, a huge thank-you to my best friend, TheSaiyanJedi5 for ideas and dialogue!  *gives him all the hope bagels*))

Akemi:*rides in the elevator and leans sleepily on Mondo's chest*

Mondo:*holds her close to him* Akemi...We've got the trial...

Akemi:I know...I just wish we didn't.

Mondo:*frowns, feeling her pain* I know...

Akemi:*looks at Leon, tears in her eyes*I'm sorry, Leon...I...don't have a choice. There's no way out of this.

*The elevator stops and the gate opens to the trial room*

-Trial Room-

Monokuma:Time to start the trial! But fiiirst. *looks at Akemi and points at her throat*

Akemi:*gasps and can't speak*

Mondo:Akemi? *notices her gasp*

Monokuma:For the rest of this trial, Akemi Minako will be unable to speak!

Akemi:*eyes widen* I can't help them!

Mondo- *growls at Monokuma* Listen here teddy ruckspen! If you don't fix what you did to her I swear to fucking god I'm...!!!*Akemi tugs on his jacket*

Akemi:*looks at him, her eyes pleading with him to stop* Please don't do this, Mondo! If you do, you'll die!

Mondo:*sighs* You're not worth it...*turns away from Monokuma*

Akemi:*smiles* Thank you...Mondo...

Monokuma:Okay! If we got that problem out of the way, let's begin the trial!

-Trial starts-

Makoto:Okay, so where do we start? The murder weapon?


Taka:Okay! The knife was found in her stomach. GENERALLY THIS IS NOT WHERE A KNIFE IS KEPT!!!!

Akemi:*smiles and nods* You've got it, Taka!

Togami:We should just state the obvious now.....Makoto is the killer!

Akemi:*shakes her head violently*

Togami:You object? Then tell me why I'm wrong.

Akemi:...*wants to say it, but can't*

Mondo:Leave her alone! You know she can't talk, quit making it obvious! 

Akemi:*smiles and remembers her notepad. She quickly writes something down* "Makoto is innocent. Sayaka asked him to switch rooms."

*Everyone reads the note some choosing to believe her, others don't believe her*

Akemi:*writes something else down* "Hina said Makoto didn't take the knife, so he couldn't have killed her. She was in the Dining Hall the whole time with Sakura. She would have seen him."

Hina:That's true! I was with Sakura having tea!

Sakura:We did not see Makoto there...However...We did see someone else. Right Hina?



Hina:She said she was getting a drink, but I guess she took a knife too...

Akemi:*nods sadly*

Makoto:I'm sure...I'm sure she took it for self defense.

Togami:Self Defense? That seems unlikely. Akemi said she asked you to switch rooms with her...But could it be the other way around? force?

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