Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Trinity's POV

"Shh honey, calm down. It's gonna be okay," I soothed quietly. I patted Conner's back lightly to make him calm down, though it was to no avail. His sobs were getting worse and I knew if I did not calm him down soon, there would be hell to pay. "It's okay baby boy. I got you. Noone is going to hurt you Conner," I whispered and ran my fingers through his dark curly hair.

My own curly hair was falling into my eyes and I blew at it in a sad attempt to keep it off of my face.

I let my fingers trail over the soft baby fat of Conner's face and started drawing imaginary circles on his cheeks. This seemed to calm him down more than anything else. His sobbing became less eratic and his eye lids started to flutter, whilst a yawn escaped his lips. "All better baby boy?"

"Ya sissy," He muttered back and wrapped his arm around my neck, putting his hands on my shoulder. At four years old Conner was a smart kid, and he knew that by turning his head away from me, it meant that our conversation was officially over.

I loved the feeling of holding Conner in my arms; it let me imagine that it was just the two of us in our own little world, with our own little family. Sadly, that was not the truth.

I glanced as the small window across the room and you could see the sunlight shining through, even with the blinds closed. This signalled to me that it was time to get a move on if I was going to make it to school on time.

With Conner still wrapped up in my arm, I stood up from the bed that Conner and I shared and walked the short distance to the dresser across the room, located under the window. Our room didn't have much; just the twin bed, the dresser, a few toys on the ground that belonged to Conner, and a doorway one wall that led to an adjoining bathroom.

Conner was already back to sleep on my shoulder, and though I hated to wake him up again, I knew that we could not afford to be late again. I did not want any more trouble with Chris and Angelina, and we were walking a fine line already.

It broke my heart to have to wake up the angel in my arms. He had been having nightmares all night and it caused sleep to evade both of us. Conner tended to make a lot of noise when he had nightmares and that did not mix well with Chris alway having hangovers. If I let Conner make any noise throughout the night, even from a nightmare, then there would be hell to pay. That ment there was no way I would be able to tell if he was having a nightmare if I was asleep, because he tended to scream instead of kicking. So I stayed up all night watching him; monitering every slight movement of his lips.

"Wakey wakey, rise and shine," I said to my angel. When I felt him stir in my arms, I proceeded to set him on top of the bare dresser. Going through the drawers I chose outfits for both of us, and that gave Conner a minute to fully wake up.

I started to take off Conner's Thomas the Tank Engine pagamas, but he quickly pulled away from me and folded his arms across his chest with an angry expression. "I can dress myself Trinity!" Conner cried and grabbed the clothes I had chosen for him out of my hands. He then ran from me into the adjoining bathroom. Rolling my eyes, I took off my pajamas and threw them into the dirty clothes bin before dressing in a blood red, layered tank top and my favorite pair of skinny jeans, with a pair of white flats. I then turned on my heal ready to go join Conner in the bathroom to finish getting ready. That was until a hand roughly grabbed my arm and jerked me around.

"Hey I was talking to you, you ungreatful brat!" I read off of Uncle Chris's nasty swollen lips. His dark curly hair that looked so much like Conner's was in a complete disarray, and there were red love bites all over the skin of his neck and torso that were not hidden by his smelly, stained wife-beater. I can only imagine what he and Aunt Angelina were doing last night. I could smell stale alcohol on his breath and knew that he was still slightly tipsy from last night. Like always. "Answer me, you freak." My silence earned me a hard smack to the back of my head. If it was night time, Chris would have slapped me. That would give me time to cover up the bruise the next morning. But Chris must be sober enough to tell that I was running late and did not have time to cover up what abuse he gave me.

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