Chapter 10 : Momma liked the Roses pt. 2

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Numb. For the first time in my life I felt completely numb. After Daddy said those few words, my ears seemed to tune the world out. Momma... was gone. I sat on the edge of the bed for a good ten minutes just speechless, in shock. Daddy continued crying on the other end of the phone, he probably didn't even realize I was still there. Elvis began to stir. It was at that moment, tears sprang to my eyes.

" Lizzie? What time is- Lizzie! What's the matter? " Elvis sees my tear stained face and instantly becomes worried. All my emotions that I seemed to be holding back, come out all at once. I drop the phone and let it dangle above the floor as I'm enveloped in my protective big brothers arms. While still holding me, I felt Elvis reach his arm over the side of the bed to grab the phone cord. He slowly pulled the phone up and put it to his ear.

" Hello? " his voice filled with worry and hesitation, like he knew who was on the line but didn't want it to be true. The sound of Daddy's muffled voice filled the eerily silent room. Only a mere minute passed before I felt teardrops hit the top of my head.

" W-We'll be there in a-a min-ute, Daddy. "

~ The entire car ride to the hospital was silent, apart from my attempt to quiet my sobs. We pulled into the parking lot and ran into the hospital together. We were met by the awful image of my father, the man who I have only seen shed a few tears, in a sobbing heap by my mothers hospital bed. My knees felt as if they'd give out any moment, but before they could, I collapsed onto my knees next to Mommas bed. She looked so peaceful, like she was sleeping. I wrapped my arm around Daddy and my other hand held onto Mommas limp hand. After what felt like forever, listening to the eerie silence mixed with sobs, Elvis spoke up for the first time since talking to Daddy on the phone.

" Momma, I- "

He couldn't get another word out before breaking into hysterics. I lifted my head up from Mommas bed, and looked over at my big brother. One of the few people in my life I have never seen cry. I've seen him shed a few tears, but never full on cry. I didn't think my heart could break anymore, but it did in that moment.

I slowly stood up, almost loosing my balance in the process. I felt so weak, I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my life. I made my way to the other side of bed and collapsed in front of Elvis. He didn't even seem to notice I was there.

" E-Elly... "

I wrapped my arms around his neck and just sobbed. I had been trying so hard to keep all of my emotions in, but as soon as my face was buried in his shoulder, every emotion I was feeling in that moment, burst out like a waterfall. After a few seconds, Elvis's arms wrapped around my frail, little body. Everything seemed to be slowly crumbling around us, and in this moment, everything came down in an avalanche.

~ Elvis was never the same after Momma died, honestly, none of us were.

Her funeral was held at Graceland, her home. Elvis bought Graceland for all of us, but he mainly bought it for Momma. He wanted to give back to her, after everything she gave to us growing up.

We had the services the day after her death, August 15th. Friends and family came from all around to offer their condolences and to grieve with us.

The hours before the services were long and endless. The emptiness that followed inside the three of us, was unbearable. We eventually made our way back to Graceland to begin the preparations for her funeral. It had been a couple hours since we came home, during the drive home no one spoke.

As soon as we entered the house, I attempted to hold myself together until I slowly trudged up the stairs to my bedroom. Once my door was shut, I crumbled. I lay on my bed, silently sobbing, so as not to upset Daddy and Elvis anymore. At some point, I had completely exhausted myself and fell asleep. When I woke, It felt like days had passed until I finally decided to come out of my room when in reality it had only been a few hours. It was early morning, around 7:00 or 8:00. I went downstairs and there were Daddy and Elvis. They were both in the dining room, papers lie scattered on the table. I peeked my head into the dining room to get a better look. The two most important men in my life, the two men who I thought could take on the world, sat there almost lifeless. Dark circles covered the skin beneath their eyes. The color, drained from their faces. I could only imagine, I looked the same. The house was silent, Dodger was still staying with family but she was due back before the funeral.

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