Chapter 12 : Priscilla

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~ September 13th, 1959 ~

People are already starting to arrive. It's not a big party or anything, just a few of Elvis's army friends, a few female ones too.

Elvis doesn't mind if I invite a friend or two if mine from school, but I don't think he's too keen on the one I invited tonight being a boy. Daddy don't seem to thrilled about it either.

I stand outside at the top of the steps, waiting for John. I finally spot him in the small crowd of Elvis's fans gathered around the front gate. I wave John down and he waves back, smiling. One of Elvis's buddies from back home standing guard down at the gate refuses to let him in.

" It's alright, Lamar. He's with me. " I say, once I'm down the steps.

John is let in and we both walk together back up the steps.

" Thanks, Lizzie. I didn't think I'd be let in. " he laughs.

" It's no problem. You're my guest, remember? "  I smile up at him, he's a good couple of inches taller than me. Almost as tall as Elvis.

He returns the smile and we make our way inside.

I try to find Elvis and Daddy so I can introduce them. They're both in the kitchen, drinks in hand.

" Elvis, Daddy. This is my friend I was telling y'all about. John, this is my brother, Elvis and my Daddy, Vernon. " 

Daddy and John shake hands.

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Presley. "

Daddy nods, then excuses himself when he realizes his girlfriend, Dee Stanley is at the door to the kitchen.

I can see out of the corner of my eye, Elvis rolls his eyes slightly. He doesn't exactly like the idea of Daddy being with a new woman, but neither do I. I don't think I feel nearly as strong as he does though.

" Um, Elvis. I must say it's an honor to meet you. My family and I listen to your records all the time. "

Elvis claps John on the shoulder, almost a little too hard, as it startled John.

" Well, thank ya. That means a lot. Uh, Lizzie. Can I speak with ya for a moment? "

I give Elvis a look that says ' please, not now'

" It'll only take a second. John, help yourself to a soda they're in the fridge. "

Elvis gently leads me out of the kitchen and into the small hallway.

" What, Elvis? " I say slightly annoyed.

He looks slightly hurt at my sudden annoyed tone.

" I'm sorry, Elvis. What's the matter? " I ask, my voice taking on it's normal tone now.

" Lizzie, if he tries anything on you, and I mean anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, you come straight to me or Daddy, okay? " he says his voice stern yet gentle.

I smile at him and give him a mock solute.

" Sir, yessir. "

He chuckles and ruffles my hair, I quickly try and smooth it down.

" Elvis! "

This makes him laugh even harder as he walks into the living room.

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