Half Breed 1

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Copyright © 2014 Revy R

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Half breed…..tainted……useless…..these were just some of the things Revy had to listen to. But it only stung for a while, then it all numbed out like the freezing tides of the Alaska waters. A persons brain can only take so much pain and torment, before something snaps. Then its up to that person to make a very surreal decision.

Finding peace in what she was had always been a struggle, when you have no clue about the why’s…how’s….and if’s- you question many thing. Your body twists to fix what others think of you, and soon you yourself start to believe the lies and gossip. But for Revy that wasn’t the case, her wolf was a strong minded one and had refused on several occasions to allow the weaker half to give into the lies and deceit.

Having a wolf half meant never truly being alone, something Revy relished in. Her wolf who Revy so blissfully named Remy because it was not only so very close to her own name, but was also to remind her wolf that she was a royal pain in the ass like that Rat from the Disney movie. It had soured her wolf’s mood some at the reminder, so for Revy’s ears she’d shortened it to Rem.

Getting a job as a half breed proved to be just as hard, just like finding a safe place to sleep and eat. But when your always moving around things tend to be less of a hassle, without a family Revy moved from town to town- picking odd jobs up as she went. When she made it half way across the US Revy walked into a small dinner, money was tight as was her well worn clothing.

Dropping her bleached out jean butt on a stool Revy waited for the waitress at the other end to see her, the place was fairly busy even for the earlier hours. The woman with a few stains on her white apron stopped in front of her, a name tag reading Josey in faded black lettering.

“What can I get ya” Her southern drawl caught Revy by surprise, had she really walked that bloody far.
    “Coffee please” A slight nod from the woman as a white mug was filled with the slightly steaming black energy she loved and craved so much. A mixture of cream and white sugar packets mixed perfectly as Revy brought the mug to her lips, she’d never say this was the best she had-not even about other things. But it did the trick, for better or worse.

Thank god for free refills or Revy would have been living solely on the dollar menu, a few more packets of sugar and she was already on her third mug. Hunting would be the best option to fill her more then starved stomach, but their was a major flaw when the Goddess made her. For starters she wasn’t a full Werewolf which always got her a few dirty looks, secondly and more importantly was the fact that without an Alpha’s order Revy couldn’t shift back from Wolf form to Human.

The first time she’d ever shifted was not only terrify but also excruciatingly painful, a rainy April birthday surrounded by the sounds of the woods as her only comfort. Taking over three weeks just to find an Alpha bloodline to shift her back Revy was nearly on death row by the time an elderly Alpha female had stumbled across her.

Shifting back was even worse, her human legs were tight and felt like weights had been tied around them. Every muscle in her back was on fire from the running she had to do, Revy’s weight had dropped to the point of lethal had she not been what she was. With a little help from the Alpha female Revy gained her weight and muscle back, always feeling like a burden to the woman Revy kept to herself more then most of the time.

Alpha Clair was dying her mate had already passed on, while the pack was handed down to the eldest son. With that taken care of she traveled, only difference between her and Revy was the bank account. Clair must of sensed Revy reading herself to depart, which caused the Alpha to hand her something so unexpected Revy nearly cried. Freshly made and with her name sealed on it no less, the credit card was fully loaded with enough money to keep her comfortable for at least two years.

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