Half Breed 6

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It smelled. And that was only one of the issues Revy was dealing with, if you added in the bright colors and overly excited people then yea…she was in hell.

    “What about this one?” Tina had insisted on helping her find a dress. So now they were in some high priced boutique looking at frilly dresses with lace. Her nose scrunched at the purple eggplant Tina held, before that was a satin pink death trap and before that was a over bearing silk white gown. Yup hell.

    “Not a chance in hell” She snorted turning away to save her eyes from the train wreck that was swinging back and forth in Tina’s hand.
    “Oh come on, its not that bad” She took another look at the eggplant.
    “Really?….great you wear it then.” Tina’s face wrinkled. Yea didn’t think so.

They walked threw the rows of so called dresses Revy wouldn’t even touch never mind wear, when Tina squealed. The sound itself wasn’t so bad, but the tempo- Revy cringed.

    “Sorry…but look at this” She pulled a blood red silk dress from the rack, it seemed decent enough. Revy sighed heavily.

    “Fine…give it here” She stuck her hand out. Tina blinked at her then back at the dress.
    “Really?” Again Revy sighed but added a nod.
    “Yes, the faster I get out of here, the fast I won have to feel like I’m about to burst into flames.~ Revy grabbed the dress walking off in the direction of the changing room, all while being able to hear Tina’s laughter. At least someone thought her demise was funny.

If it wasn’t evidence enough she was going to burn in hell for being in a place like this, the overly bright pink walls of the changing room were enough to convince her. What was wrong with a simple white room with a brown door, why’d everything have to look like bubba-lious in this place.

She shimmed out of her normal wear and into the gown, it fit and well if she was being honest. Revy sighed opening the dressing room door, knowing damn well Tina would be chewing her nails in waiting. Her eyes popped when she looked at Revy.

    “Holy hot damn, your buying that. I don’t care what you say.” Her finger pointed straight out. She rolled her eyes to Tina’s comment. At least this was over with…..or so she thought.

“We need shoes, and jewelry….ohh and make up..”  Revy cringed, the mere thought of war paint on her face that wasn’t meant to scare off the apposing party was baffling to her. If she was going to put shit all over her face, why couldn’t it be to make grown men run away in terror. She smirked at that.

    “No make up” She was putting her foot down.
    “Whaaaa….why not?” Tina whined making a few heads turn their way.
    “Because…I said so” Keeping a hushed tone while eying a few shoppers who were raising brows. Damn. Tina growled a very low sound folding arms, but she nodded none the less.

Four……four grueling hours later and they were leaving the biggest mall in Texas. She wanted to kill Tina. The only thing to make it some what bearable was the few times Tina had agreed to get something to munch on. So far Revy had gotten 4 soft pretzels, a burger with bacon, a large thing of French fries and an Ice cream. She was still hungry. Best thing about being a wolf…..you never gain a lot of weight.

Finally feeling like god had taken a weight off her shoulders Tina waved goodbye, Revy stood next to her mustang heaving a heavy sigh. Arms full of useless things she’d but use once. Moving to the trunk Revy passed her foot under the bumper popping the lid to the mustang up, she lowered all her new found…items inside before closing the trunk.

Coffee is what she required now.

The parking lot was practically dead when Revy pulled the muscle car to a complete stop. Then again it was right around midnight, and this was a hotel she was currently parked in. Heaving her tired body out of the comfort of leather Revy pulled her bag along with her, maybe a hot bath and a good nights rest would do her some good. Keys jingled when the pushed them into the small notch, creaking the old door open with her toe being tapping it shut.

Dim lightly filled the small room with one bed and desk, while a fairly newer tv sat just in front of the bed she called hers…for now. Lowering her bag to the floor before walking into the quaint bathroom turning the lever, hot spray burst from the head quickly filling the room with steam. Clothing dropped covering white tiles.

Rushing hot water soaked into her skin drowning out the days scorn, all but the memories were washing away. They picked at her like ravens to a carcass, Revy’s palms pressed against the wall allowing water to pound against her neck. It constant stream reminded her that she was still alive, still breathing, still able to think for herself.

She growled grabbing for the Vanilla scented shampoo. Her long thick hair was now reaching the lower portion of her back, if she tilted her head back it passed her ass. White lather thickened when fingers messaged threw every strand, water crashed dragging the vanilla suds down the silver drain.

Lavender body wash foamed against a black scrubby, while sliding between legs and over the flat stomach. A deep scar snaked across her ribs, its skin pulled taunt from not being cared for in proper time. Running a finger over it Revy frowned, scars were suppose to remind you that you were still alive. That life had not been stolen from you. However she hated the way this scar screamed with burning hatred, its cut teased her about the altercation and the way the blade had sparkled before parting flesh.

Her fingers dug into the black scrub, making bubbles drip to the tub base. She’d get him. Get him for ever thinking her so weak, so fragile…so…broken. Rem snarled in the back of her mind at the last word. Fingers relaxed some before washing the rest of her body, rinsing clean Revy turned the water off grabbing a fluffy white towel before stepping onto the cold tiles.

Drying her hair as best one can with a towel Revy cleared herself of water droplets, dissuading the towel to a corner walking to the main room. Her body froze stiff at the sight her eyes played on her. Hackles on her neck stood up, blood pumped with a fury of a thousand soldiers headed into battle. Revy blinked, a toss of her head to throw the image away.

When her eyes reopened he was gone.

The bed though comfortable brought her little peace, Revy’s mind was racing with the idea that he had returned. That the man in shadows was back, and he’d found her. What made it worse was she was not the only one he’d go for, there was another Revy feared far more then for herself. Her eyes closed even with the quake of thoughts racing, Rem forced Revy to sleep. They were going to need their rest, if they were to survive.

Okay v.v I'm going to be a bit evil....sorry.   I will update when HB hits 100Votes. >.< don't judge me. I got a lot going on right now. Thanks. Please feel free to comment. >.> please dont yell at me.

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