Half Breed 9

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Just like the first time she’d hit the pillow Revy’s mind shut down, dragging her deep within her mind. It had fast forward a little ways from the heated battle both her and Connor were having, but that didn’t leave her mind blank to the knowing. Pinning to the large bed after running around the house like three year olds, Revy growled teeth barred in a more challenging threat than deadly.

His massive chest rumbled over her shaking chiseled muscles most men dreamed of having. Lips formed a half smirk while kissing her shoulders rising upwards, even the light touches felt like flames licking her to a blissful death. Fear was so off in the distance Revy didn’t even consider it.

Nipping gently over her ear Revy bit down on already parted lips, she new if she were to look at his face it would show signs of hunger, lust, want and even passion. Maybe a peek wouldn’t hurt. When green orbs from each pair Revy bit down harder on that bottom lip, it was a thousand times stronger now that she could see it.

Shifting her weight from under him, knowing damn well she could get out of his hold had she so desired- but not wanting to. Connor was careful with her, even though he knew he’d not have to. There was always this thing in the back of her mind that said she didn’t need a mate, yet when being held, kissed and loved like you’re the single most precious gift on earth- it makes you sway towards it.

A deep throaty growl tore across the room, sending shivers up and down her sides. Connor looked conflicted as he kissed her, eyes slowly darkening to a chocolate. Her eyes widened, Nick would be livid to see the position Connor had put her in. When he blinked readjusting his sight she’d been right, at first he showed confusion and shock- that quickly faded into anger.

    “Did he hurt you? I’ll kill him” The concept of killing your own wolf was not possible, it would be like trying to change your DNA structure. Not possible. Punishing your wolf was possible, keeping them locked within your body was torture enough. Wolves needs were that of a newborn, hunting, running and being like many before them was what kept a werewolf sane. Take that away and your asking for trouble.

    “No….he didn’t” She cupped his face hoping to ease his tension out of brawling shoulders, it eased him if only a little.

    “Are you sure?” Revy smiled with a slight nod, his breath broke loose sending the smell of light coffee to her face.

From that point on it was proven Nick was never going to let her out of his sight, no matter what. It took several weeks for Revy to gain her strength back, both mentally and physically. But she had a bigger fear, one she refused to divulge to anyone. Once in a while when Nick would leave for a meeting, Revy would make a single phone call. It lasted but a few short minutes, but that was plenty.

Every time it was answered her heart leapt from her chest, the voice on the other end giving her a warmth like no other. But it was always cut short to soon. She made sure to send random things to show her love, but it always seemed never enough.

Tossing in her sleep Revy’s dreams of the past caressed her mind, making the already set in stone real once more.

She had gone a few months living under Alpha Nick’s roof, eating his room, sleeping in his bed. Along with many other things. But all good things come crashing to a halt when it comes to her. Though he put a mark on her, Revy was never fully claimed and she not to Nick either. It had been something they both didn’t seem to mind about, and where personal concerns lead it shouldn’t of been anyone else’s.

Just like Revy, Nick had loved ones. And they seemed to stick noses in places that should of sniffed else where. When a knock on Nick’s door rang threw the living room, Revy thought nothing other than to answer it. Huge mistake. The woman at the door was stunning, smelling of witch power and looking just as sinful. She sneered at Revy rolling perfectly manicured fingernails over an arm.

Because of the life style Nick had begun to give Revy, she’d forgotten how cruel others could truly be. When the angelic voice bashed Revy into a wall she remembered. A threat to her everything was given in a more then un-delicate manor, as Revy took the verbal abuse she started to feel Rem’s awakening. The wolf was not a roll over tuck tail kind of girl. She was breed for battles, some even want as far as to say a demon wolf.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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