Half Breed 3

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The rain picked up wiping around with the harsh blowing wind, trees swayed bending to the slaughter instead of breaking. Another long sip filled her mouth coating Revy’s throat healing a pain that couldn’t be seen, a heart that had been twisted and broken screamed for something. A wave of remorse smacked her in the face, to which she sighed leaning harder on that perched elbow. Why were things so complicated. Why did she have to pegged for some Alpha whore. Who new…..at least she knew she wasn’t, at least a few close friends believed she wasn’t.

Those rumors spread like wild fire in the Sahara desert, consuming ever damn thing in its path. Eating souls in its wake while burning everything she so loved to the ground, it got so bad Revy fled for her life along with another’s. Protect her wolf screamed, protect the ones we love. Running had seemed like the best idea, the best option to a horrible outcome. It hadn’t….it was worse. Revy ended up hurting some of the ones she loved, they cried over her leaving which only broke her heart further.

She couldn’t explain why she’d done what she did and didn’t think anyone would understand, so with a small bag Revy slipped out at night vanishing without a trace. She waited a few weeks before contacting the one person she thought wanted to kill her, her first mate. He’d watched her like a hawk, always making sure no one would harm her. But it was a bittersweet feeling, he’d changed….so drastically that Revy was having a hard time understanding him now.

Things only got more difficult in passing as she tried to stay pleasant with him, but he was being stubborn and bull headed. Talking turned to yelling and yelling when to screaming, before long he’d vanish all over again leaving her in a ball on the floor like some kicked kitten. Rem was furious with the Alpha’s lack of communication skills, she didn’t like seeing her other half breaking right before her very eyes.

A soul can hold on for so long before it can’t bend anymore, and everyone knows what happens to thinks that don’t bend. Time and time again Rem watched as Revy picked up those sharp broken pieces and tried to duck tape and glue them back together, only to lose a piece here and a piece there. In the back of her mind Rem whined, a pitiful cry it was but one she couldn’t contain anymore. They’d come so far just to be kicked while already down, what was a female to do with all this heartache?

Burn it….hide it….just plan burry it.

Drizzling slowly now Revy finished off her last sip feeling only slightly better, ordering one for the road she slipped hands into tight short pockets. Yeah she liked her life, liked the place she’d finally gotten to….but there was that one missing puzzle piece that was driving her mad. Call it OCD or some other fancy word of nuts, but Revy wanted a thing she most tried to keep away from…feelings. Yeah she wanted to feel, feel love, happiness and maybe even a little tranquility.

The café woman called for her snapping the foggy images of someone who gave a damn out of her mind, it was a welcome relief she took hold of real fast. She smiled taking the cup feeling the closest to happy in a while, call it sad that a coffee was her happy point- but you take what you can.

Clicking boots across the black top her now even clearer beauty beeped when her finger padded the unlock button, sliding into the black leather seats that still held that wonderful clean smell Revy put the coffee in a holder. Twisting the key allowing the 5.4L engine to purr louder then a mountain lion, Revy shivered in delight god sometimes this car was better then sex. He never asked for more then Revy asked for, never complained about how rough he was and most of all he never over did the rpms.

Sifting down the slick black wheels sucked against the pavement, inside this mustang she was a goddess. Black wood grain slide along the whole being of the dash while chromo piping sparkled brightly, the wolf head stick shift glowed with emerald eyes giving a danger feel. God she really loved this car, it was just as crazily tricked out as she was. Holding all kinds of new age items that any hot blooded she wolf wouldn’t mind getting her paws on.

That Alpha- Revy smirked- gotta love a man who doesn’t mind dishing out a few thousand for a ex mate, Nicky was a good man one she’d should of stuck with. But shit happens and you need to pick up and move on, a leader of three good sized packs while being the head honcho for some over sized company he’d practically ordered her to take the keys. She smirked a little wider. Yea gotta love a man who has morals.

Revy down shifted kicking the little red dial up higher, being undercover meant being at places way before the actual meeting times. It ensured you got the best spot for parking and exits, you needed to know everything about that location in case the shit hit the fan. Luckily Revy had been to this specific spot before, learning every nook and cranny turned out to be easier then she thought. Both feet tapped the petals one moving as the other went down, her beauty roared vibration the seats sending a very pleasant wave thought-out her lower half. Yup best man she ever had.

The dark entrance to the underground parking lot was only have full, backing into a spot close to one of the many elevators Revy took a deep breath. These missions always got her blood pumping sending adrenaline thought-out her veins, but damn if she didn’t like the after affects. Another long breath threw her mouth and out the nose before reaching behind her seat taking hold of a black backpack handle, its weight was evenly disputed while still holding all her many toys.

Not a soul new what kind of work she did, not even Nicky who had gotten her the job in the first place. After passed a hard scaled test on everything from accuracy to delegation Revy was dubbed one of the top members of a secret group, even the bloody name was top secret. Pushing open the door she clicked the car locked before slinging the bag over one shoulder, work was what kept her sane.

When the laser of a red dot flashing to a wall in front of her Revy froze, stiff as a board she watched the little dot as it moved slowly around before coming to a complete stand still. Her brows knitted waiting to see what it did next, when it moved down the wall and onto her boot Revy growled lowly. Crawling up her leg passing her knee before freezing at her crotch Revy frowned, only one person had the balls to point a fucking sniper shot at her private. Rissa.

That crazy ass rogue for hire who loved to just fuck with Revy mentally, mostly a game to both of them Revy was still trying to figure out what the hell she was doing here. Bringing one hand to her crotch Revy flipped her the bird before walking off, she could almost hear the ringing of laughter from Rissa’s hidden point. Perched like a bird of prey on a mountain top, Rissa was a force to be reckoned with. She’d once killed a full grown male with a silver spoon, only someone with enough force and vigor could make a spoon become a weapon.

Stepping into the elevator the little red dot vanished making Revy shake her head, yup Rissa was a hot ticket alright. A southern raised women Rissa was holding all the twang a sexy southern woman should while still able to fling a frying pan across a room bopping you over the head, Revy would know first hand not to piss Rissa off in the kitchen when she was cooking. That iron frying pan hurt like a bitch, leaving a nice solid bump for a week.

Pings alerted her to the slowly stopped machine, double doors pushed open showing off a white washed walls and a marble floor. A plant here and there colored the bland look while still making it easy to get around, seating in a deep brown scattered around the hallways. Every step tingled while Revy’s fingers griped the black strap, using her other fingers to grasp the pass she’d been given previously to the mission.

One step then another till soon she was on auto and briskly walking threw the over populated bleach clean hall, her sensitive nose was picking up the cleaning products from five years ago. One side effect to being a werewolf you smelled everything ten times more then a human, and sometimes she really wished she could catch a cold.


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