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Before I could take to the air the ground broke. Landslide lept out of harms way but I was trapped in the pursuing avalanche of ice.

Below us there had been an air pocket in the ice, a big one. I fell deeper, deeper until I hit a level of ice that had not been melted. I cracked the ice I landed on but amazingly not enough to break it.

I stood sore and leaking badly as soon as I looked up I saw the rockslide falling after me. In the corner of it I saw Landslide smiling as I faced seemingly immanent death. There was nothing to be done.

In fell the tons of ice, pilling on top of me pressing my battered carcass, I had little if any energy left. I was stuck. What was worse was the light was fading soon the temperature would drop and no matter how hard I tried I would not survive that.

I felt water at my feet. This would not end well.

I had to calm down, had to think. I felt heat rise within me and it poured from my mouth. It melted the ice enough that now I was in a cavern. Not much improvement but at least I could stand.

The water rose higher as it was now up to my ankles and I could feel the very bottom beginning to freeze! No No No! I was going to be frozen alive!

I started lashing out at the walls of my icy tomb clawing biting anything! The water continued to rise and as more and more of it froze I couldn't move my feet.

I had wasted too much energy in the thrashing and the fight before, I could no longer call my flames. "This is the end." I muttered lowly.

I felt panic start to seep in, there was nothing to be done. The water was now just below my head and I was full out thrashing. With no rhyme or reason to my method of escape.

My shoulders broke loose and so did most of my torso. I scrambled as high as I could get trying to keep myself above the rising water. I was no longer thinking but the water kept coming and I was loosing hope and energy.

The water finally reached the top, the small cave was filled. I felt the water around me begin to take solid form. I could no longer move or stay awake, the world around me faded and slowly so did I.

Season 3 about episode 5 of tfp:

Knock Out wandered the melting ice of Cybertron's polar region. A group of 15 troopers followed behind him talking amongst them selves. Knock Out moved the scanner right and left hardly paying attention to the random faint beeping.

He froze a moment though as the faint beeping pattern changed to a frantic yelping.

"This could be interesting!" He tapped on his com. "Lord Megatron we have reason to believe there is something huge here."

"Then excavate it!" Did he really have to spell everything out to his underlings?

The troopers begin to excavate. Even with the drills it took until dark before they reached the very edges of a massive dark blue form. While the temperatures had become far less severe they were still far too dangerous for the modern cybertronian

So they left for the night only to resume the next morning. As they got closer to the mysterious object it became all to clear what they were digging up.

"Lord Megatron we finally have eyes on what the scanners registered yesterday. In my opinion we should cover it back up and leave it.."

"Knock out! What is it?" He was not interest in theatrics.

"It's a predacon." He answered, gingerly.

"Bring it to earth." The warlord commanded.

"But it's a real predacon, not a clone..."

"Bring it to earth!"

There was no mistaking that tone, "Yes lord Megatron." Knock out turned back to the troopers who had stopped to listen to Knock Out's conversation with Megatron. "You heard lord Megatron! Get back to it!"

One of the troopers operated a crane and lifted the chunk of ice encasing the massive predacon, the machine almost failed a few times.

It was placed on a transport and the troopers led by Knock out made their way to the site that had been used to bridge them there. A large portal opened and they entered.

As they exited they stepped back onto earth Megatron was waiting to see their discovery. He looked into the ice to observe the great beast.

"Get Shockwave in here to thaw this ice!" Megatron demanded

"Lord Megatron I must advise otherwise.." Knock out started.

"Noted." Megatron dismissed it right out of the gate.

Knock out gave it up, there was no convincing their leader when he was in this type of mood.

The ice was placed in a machine that began to heat up. Predaking stood looking through a small window, "This predacon will be strong, it is not a clone?" He asked.

"No it has been frozen in ice since before the great cataclysm." Shockwave replied.

The machine wurred as the heat gradually increased the ice began to sweat.

She could feel herself coming back, as if she had been sleeping like any other night. She felt warmth and her optics opened. She was free of the ice but very weak as she was running on fumes.

Shockwave immediately connected a tube and started sending energon into her system. Gradually her optics began to focus, still weak she didn't try to stand.

She was in a sphere, it was warm and she felt her strength returning. As she stood she almost banged her head on the top of the sphere.

Once her reserves were full Shockwave disconnected the tube. Her gaze fixed on Predaking she moved to get a better look at him. Megatron joined him in the window.

She was still very torn up, but not out of fight. She slashed at the sphere that trapped her, she had been trapped long enough she wanted out now!

She was gaining ground, cutting away at the walls Shockwave opened it and she moved out slinking close to the ground she circled Megatron and Predaking.

"Warrior stand and grovel at the feet of your new master." Megatron said.

"First it should bow to it's king." Predaking corrected.

She was not having it she wanted out to leave, to find out where she was, to find Landslide and make him pay for her set back.

"Now beast bow to your king!" Predaking announced.

"Bow to you? Not on your life!" She growled in predacon but no one understood her. "Now, I want to leave and I want to NOW!"

She growled she charged to attack Megatron. Shockwave fired a beam from a menacing looking weapon. Direct hit! She recoiled as the energy webbed across her plating. She moved off but had no intent of bowing.

"This predacon has never interacted with our species, the way we communicate and respond is completely alien to her, and thus assumes we are hostile." Shockwave explained.

"Lord Megatron allow me to bring it to it's senses." Predaking advised.

"I suppose."

Megatron started to walk out of the room and the predacon had another go at him. Shockwave fired the gun with incredible accuracy as it hit her head and she recoiled in pain and shock.

The new predacon was taken to a storage room large enough to accommodate the new beast.

Predaking stood in front of her, "I am your King you will bow to me and be loyal to the decepticons."

She pinned her ears back." As if," she growled she then charged Predaking who went to beast mode.

The two fought for some time Predaking attempting to win her submission. But when they finally stopped they were both beat, both leaking, and both exhausted. Predaking left for the medical Bay. The she predacon was left in the room alone. She laid on the ground in a pool of her energon and Predaking's, "I wish I was back in the ice," she groaned.

To Tame A Predacon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now