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The pull she had felt was not her imagination. It was an egg. Her audio receptors flicked, she took the egg gently in her mouth and left the bridge. She entered her room and placed the egg on her tarp. She began to rip apart the floor, "What are you doing?" Bee asked upon entering. "Making a nest, it is my role to play." Jaws said burning the metal she had taken from the floor. The fire welded it together. Jaws took the egg and placed it carefully in the nest. She set a few flames around it. "You can't stay here for months, you'll go stir crazy." Bee said. "I don't know what I'm planning to do," Jaws said sitting next to the nest. "So do you how to hatch an egg?" Bee asked sitting next to her. "Well you must keep it the right temperature, for starters." Jaws began to explain the methods behind watching over an egg. Bee listened not understanding all of it but getting the basics. Jaws coiled around the egg and powered down. Bee powered down leaning against her. He stood a few hours later, "Jaws get up I think we over slept." Jaws did not respond. "Jaws?" He asked concerned, he stood "Jaws!" He said shaking her. She remained motionless, and unresponsive. Bee got Ratchet, "She seems to be in some sort of self induced stasis." Ratchet said examining her vital signs. "Is she ok?" Bee asked nervous resting his hand on her shoulder. "As far as I can tell this is a natural occurance." Ratchet said. "Do you know when she will wake up?" He asked, "I have no idea." Ratchet said as he left. Bee sat down next to her. A few months passed and Jaws remained in stasis. Bee came in every day to check and see if she would wake up. And each of those days he was disappointed. One day however instinct awakened her. Her brown optics flickered open, her audio receptors flicked at a slight cracking sound. Bee entered for his daily check on her. "Jaws! Your awake!" He said excited. "Shhhh." She said quieting Bee. "Come look," she said quietly. A smile clearly visible on her face. Bee came over and sat next to her looking down at the nest. The gray oval had a single blue line, it began to spread. A slight cracking sound was heard as bits of the egg bulged, a small gray spike broke the surface. More of the egg began to split open revelling a teal tail, then gray wings. The egg opened steadily for a while, but it stopped. The egg remained still, no new cracks appeared. "Is it ok?" Bee asked worried. Jaws lowered her head and using her sabor teeth, she chipped away some of the shell. Now a shut optic was visible. She stood away from the egg and it resumed movement. Chirps and rumbles where audible, it's ice blue optics opened and it spread it's wings braking free of its egg. A few fragments of egg remained stuck to the sparkling with a sticky clear ooze. She leaned down and licked the some of the clear substance from the sparkling. The sparkling shook while standing for the first time. Jaws layed down, the sparkling dropped between her arms. He looked up at her, "Onyx." Jaws said to the sparkling. Bee sat down looking at Onyx, the sparkling had plating with the main color of teal and a secondary color of gray. His eyes were icy blue. "He is amazing." Jaws said as Onyx layed down and slept. Bee stroked the tiny predacon gently, "Yes indeed he is." Bee said as he leaned against Jaws falling into power down himself.


I'm sorry this took me so long to write but I had a difficult time deciding if this is what I wanted to happen in the story, but now I'm sure I want Onyx to join our family of characters.

So yah vote if your happy with our new addition

"So how do you plan to rais a sparkling?" Bee asked playing with Onyx. "I follow my instincts I guess," she said watching. "How did he end up looking so much like you if you're not related?" He asked, as Onyx took hold of the piece of scrap metal they had been playing with. "Well I'm thinking that may be related to my stasis. The egg must have altered his CNA, based on mine. That must have taken a toll on my energy." Jaws said. Onyx released the piece of scrap metal, then lept onto Jaws's tail chewing at a spike. Jaws turned and picked him up by his wings and set him on her back. Onyx immediately clamped down on one of the spikes on her back. "So what do you plan to teach him?" He asked, Onyx lost his footing on Jaws's back and slipped. Jaws without thinking spredher wing catching him. "I'm not sure when I plan on teaching him but I know what it is I hope to." She said. "Well what?" He asked, "Flight, combat, among other things." Jaws answered simply. Someone knocked on the door to Jaws's quarters. Onyx heard it and hid under her wing. "Who is it?" Jaws asked, "Smokescreen." His voice relpyed. "Oh, let yourself in if you want." Jaws returned. She directed her attention back to Onyx, Smokescreen came over and sat down. The rest of the team had heard Jaws had woke but they didn't know anything about Onyx. The sparkling watched curiously from his hiding spot. Smokescreen heard a chirp, "Did you guys hear that?" He asked. "Yes." Jaws answered, "Well, what was is?" Jaws looked under her wing at Onyx. "Come on," she said nudging him out to where Smokescreen could see. "Oh," Smokescreen seemed to be at a loss for words. Onyx looked at him slightly puzzled, he moved closer getting more confident with every step. Smokescreen simply watched, unsure of what he should do he looked at Jaws. "He won't attack you if that's what your thinking." Jaws said smirking. Onyx climbed onto Smokescreen's lap and settled there. "What should I do?" He asked, "Pet him, play with, what ever. He likes alot of things." Jaws relpyed, Onyx lept onto Smokescreen's shoulder. Onyx felt a weird sensation in his nose, he took a breath in then sneezed a puff of light blue flame. Smokescreen's eyes widened, "That was close." He said. Jaws took Onyx back and put him between her front legs. Onyx curled up and fell asleep purring softly. "He is so small." Smokescreen said watching Onyx sleep. Bee stroked Onyx. "We start that small, but we don't stay that way." Jaws said she looked down at the sleeping mound. He was so small, defenceless, peaceful.

To Tame A Predacon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now