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Jaws could feel her legs wanting to give way. Her streangth was failing, would this be her end? No. She did not survive all she had previously just to die here in battle. Her pupil thinned to a slim line. Her talons split the ground and she reared up throwing Predaking off. Feeling a surge of adrenalin she turned and attacked. Keeping Predaking from catching his breath, she struck swift and strong. Staggering Predaking collapsed in front of Jaws. Rain running down her alloy she stepped forward one foot on her defeated foe. She tilted her head to the sky and in perfect sync with the lightning, a powerful roar announced the end of the battle. Jaws moved off allowing Predaking to run for the ground bridge. She then turned and ran for the near by tree line. Hidden safely in the forest Jaws layed down allowing herself time to rest.

Her energy returned slowly, but she had survived worse. Her body began to release clotting agents into her veins, an adaptation predacons developed unlike their bipedal successors. The clotting agent combined with a little self welding helped stop the leaking. As night shifted to dawn the rain lightened. She was off in her own world when Bee approached her. "Hey you ready to come back to base?" He asked as Jaws lifted her head and set her gaze on him. "Yeah I guess." She said standing, she could really use a good power down.

A ground bridge portal opened and Jaws followed Bee in to it. As she reached the other side [Hello from the other side] she was shocked. Most of team prime was tending to their business. She froze then looked at Bee for what to do. "Don't worry Optimus said is was ok." Bee said smiling. Jaws's gaze lifted then drifted about the members of the team. By now they had all turned to the predacon who had just entered the base. "Hi," she said ears flicked back a little shy. "I'm Jaws and I'm joining team prime." Jaws continued, Arcee cut her off, "Optimus why did Bee come back with a predacon?" She asked. "Arcee this predacon has proven herself a strong and trustworthy ally. She has shown great loyalty and reasoning. She is not a beast." Optimus answered, Jaws relaxed a little hearing that Optimus wanted her on the team. His word flattered her, she had proven herself. It was somewhat quiet after this Jaws didn't know what to say to the team.

Arcee asked the first question,"So Jaws how did you come to arrive on earth?"
"I was frozen in ice since before the great cataclysm...." Bulkhead cut her off, "So wait your an original predacon?" He asked seemingly in disbelief, "Well.. yeah." Jaws replied. After a little while Bee walked Jaws to her new quarters when they ran into Smokescreen in the hall, he took a double take. "What? Bee why do we have a predacon in our base?" He said. Bee answered, "She is my friend and she is joining the team."
"Awesome we have a predacon on our side!" Smokescreen said. "Your not afraid of me?" She asked head tilted. "If Bee trusts you that's good enough for me. So what's your name?" Smokescreen asked. Her ears flicked forward, "Jaws, and... you are Smokescreen." Jaws replied. "How do you know my name?" He asked, "Bee filled me in." Jaws said.

Jaws was in higher spirits the rest of the day. The fact she had been accepted by even one of the team members was a score in it self. Over the following months the team began to accept her. Smokescreen had taken to her right away as he was so trusting and Jaws liked that. But Bee was always her closest friend. They shared a bond that needed no words to explain it. Jaws was happy settled in to the team but the peace would not last forever...

------on board the nemesis-----

Megatron was in his quarters thinking, plotting, strategizing. The ecaped predacon had become a problem. She [apparently] had joined the Autobots and to them she was a valuable asset. She was clearly as strong as Predaking and just as firce. Something needed to be done about this. The playing field needed to be tilted back in his favor but how?

-------back to your regularly scheduled heros-----

Jaws was now well integrated into the team. Currently the team was split up both groups were out on missions. One team had Jaws, Bee, Optimus and Smokescreen. The other had Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Arcee, and Ultra Magnus. One team was out scouting what was believed to be an energon mine and the other was investigating a strange energon signal. Ultra Magnus's team was scouting the mine, while Optimus's team was investigating the signal. it was some where called the salt flats Jaws intrigued by the name but felt a little let down upon seeing it was just a white desert.

The rest of the team had changed to vehicle mode and Jaws easily kept up with them at a steady lobe. She ocationally would attempt to catch a scent, but she was close enough to the ground that the scent of salt was strong enough to mask it. The sensor beeped as they reached the source of the signal. The 3 went to bot mode sliding to a halt. Jaws stopped dead in her tracks realizing what caused the signal.

Megatron acompanyed by knock out, a group of troopers and Predaking. "Megatron." Optimus said annoyed and aggressive. "Optimus, I see you are making use of the beast." Megatron said slightly amused. "I am no beast." Jaws rumbled offended ears pinned back. In seconds someone flinched and the battle began.

Optimus fought Megatron, Bee took Knockout, Smokescreen brought the heat down on the troopers, and Jaws charged Predaking. Just as Megatron had ordered, Predaking was luring his combatant away from her team members. Jaws was slightly suspicious, Predaking was dodging more than attacking and that was never his strategy. She turned briefly to see her teammates far off. This was somewhat concerning. Predaking drew her full attention back to the battle when he charged. Jaws put her head down and met him in the middle. When they collided dust scattered and the ground shook. A familiar and dangerous scent made its way to Jaws's nose. TOX-EN the thought stormed her mind long enough for Predaking to slash at her chest plating.

Now usually when this occurred it was annoying and somewhat painful but it was bearable. This time that was not the case. When he drew his talons across her plating it burned like the pits of Kaon. It felt like something was eating her plating away like a scraplet. Jaws took a few steps back in agony to avoid another swipe. She growled, "You coward!" She roared, "It takes you lacing your talons with tox-en to defeat me?" She roared. "Maybe, but I would rather be a cowered who wins, rather than an honorable looser." He growled evil smirk across his mug.

He charged again and Jaws felt the weakening effects of the tox-en in her system. It burned like fire every time he struck. With every strike Jaws grew weaker and weaker. She was now rarely getting in any strikes of her own. It took all the energy she currently possessed to continue to dodge the poisonous slashes. Predaking was not effected as it was only on his talons, the tox-en was in Jaws. Jaws staggered losing balance, she shook her head trying to fight off the impending blackout accompanied by the burning. It was of little use as Predaking took advantage of her loss of concentration and landed multiple critical blows. Jaws dropped, to tired to keep fighting. Slowly her optics shut the last thing she saw was Bee pointing in her direction. Then darkness...

To Tame A Predacon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now