Cat Fox

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Pepper and Dot hiked for what felt like hours, taking in the sights of the unfamiliar world. Aside from the literal flying fish in the ocean, they hadn't seen a single sign of life. Regardless, both travelers took a sturdy tree branch for protection as they entered a thick, odd forest. The scientist spent several minutes analyzing a plant whose leaves were a chalky pink color, and another several minutes drawing said plant in a pocket-sized journal (to Dot's surprise and dismay). Continuing their trek to nowhere, Pepper theorized daytime lasted somewhat longer here, stating "there is a growing possibility we are on an entirely different world." Dot slammed her stick across his back in response, demanding he stop being "Mister Scholar" and start being "Mister get us the hell back home".

The two stopped for a break after another kilometer of crossing the forest. They had been wandering for hours and their hope of escaping this unknown world was quickly diminishing. They took rest under a giant ash-white tree studded with large purple leaves, most of which were the size of an open umbrella. Pepper scribbled away in his journal while Dot repeatedly poked her stick into the soft ground, wondering if this was just a fever dream from fumes leaking out of the decrepit apartment building. Her frustration levels rising once more, she used her stick to poke the scientist beside her when she heard a rustle in the canopy above.

"Shh." Pepper whispered as they both jumped up, ready to defend themselves with their makeshift weapons.

They looked up and around and braced for a fight. A bush rustled behind them, and they turned to attack... nothing. A rustle to their left- yet again there was nothing. Dot felt warm fur brush against her leg and jolted back to fight... a knee-high feline animal.

"What the what? Is that some sort of cat?" she asked, tree branch-sword at the ready.

Pepper circled the peculiar creature.

"No. It looks more like... a fox."

Dot squinted her eyes. "No, it's a cat."

"No, It's a fox."

"It's a cat!"

Then they came to an agreement. "It's a cat-fox."

The animal, some other-worldly amalgamation of fox and feline, was covered in a bright white fur, save for the black tip of its thin, meter-long tail. A rounded snout housed a dozen small teeth that looked sharp enough to rend flesh from bone. Large, perky ears twitched with every micro-movement the two humans made. Four slender legs that ended in mud-covered paws supported the beast. And on its forehead...

Dot raised her makeshift sword. "Should I hit it?" she questioned, feeling uneasy about attacking such a unique looking creature.

Pepper stared at the cat-fox. "Just... stay there. Besides, that isn't a proper striking technique you're holding."

"Why thank you Mister Scholar."

Pepper ignored the sarcastic remark and continued to study the animal. Aside from being an unknown being from an unknown world, what perked his interest was the gem nestled above the creature's brow. Even more curious was that it was a faceted stone; man-made. Or- if not 'man'-made, then made by something else.

"Dot" Pepper whispered. "Put your stick down. I don't think it wants to hurt us."

Dot paused. "How do you know?" she said, still ready to perform an ultra combo with her wooden weapon.

"I'm sure it would have attacked us by now. Besides... I think... it's studying us."

Dot rolled her eyes. "Not everything is as scientific as you are, Scholar."

Pepper sighed. "No- look- you can see it in its eyes."

"And I can see me knocking it into the other side of this God-forsaken forest." she retorted.

The jewel embedded in the creature's forehead shimmered and both humans froze when they heard an ethereal voice.

<Salutations, Miss Meadows...> The animal said, staring at Dot.

The girl's eyes widened.

"............" Dot opened her mouth to say... something, but was so astonished that words literally failed her.

The animal continued. <...I am at your service>

Mouth agape, Dot looked at Pepper, who equally stood in shock.

The creature could speak. 

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