Rage Monster

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"So, why do we need these again?" he inquired.

Dot was too busy vanquishing imaginary enemies to answer, so the response came from the creature with no name. <These will aid you in the task at hand.>

"And just what is this 'task at hand'?" Pepper fired back. Dot jumped -literally- in front of him. "The bounty hunters- we need to protect him from the bounty hunters."

Pepper remembered the animal did say something about that back in the forest. "Okay- bounty hunters. Got it. So we defeat these guys and then we can go back home, right?"

The cat-fox seemingly ignored Pepper and looked at Dot who was once again destroying all villains.

<Is it your wish to return to your home, Traveler?> it asked.

Triumphantly defeating the last of her imaginary foes, the girl nodded.

<Then there is much to explain, but little time. We must retrieve a small jewel from the four Corax that hunt me.> the animal announced.

"Hmm." Pepper responded. "What are-"

<The Corax are a sapient species revered for their tracking abilities across many worlds, and a formidable squad has been sent to capture me.>

The astronomer smirked. "And just why ar-"

<My kind are known as Praetencola and have been hunted to near-extinction for the weaponization of our natural traits which help us navigate and survive on our homeworld.>

Dot perked up. "Save a dying species from homicidal mercenaries? That's something I'm willing to brutally maim for." She lifted her shield and posed heroically. "Just point me to these Corax guys and they'll wish they never knew the likes of Dorthy Ann Meadows!"

"Wait- your name is 'Dorthy'"? Pepper joked. But before he could laugh, both animals -the weird cat-fox and the weird human female- glared at him.

"Ookay then..." he continued, quickly changing the subject. "So how do we defeat these guys? I mean I may be an accomplished fencer and Dorthy-"


"...uh, Dot, may be a rabid anger monster, but if these Corax guys are feared everywhere..."

The telepathic animal nodded. <You are correct in assuming an unfortunate demise if you fought the Corax head-on, young Pepper. But that is why we will attempt a more passive stratagem.>

Pepper smiled. "Strategy. Now you're on the trolley. Do the Corax ha-"

<Yes. Although formidable, the Corax do have a weakness.> the Praetencola answered.

Having caught onto the creature's telepathic aptitude, Pepper simply raised a brow to coax out more information.

<The Corax world is enveloped by a poisonous atmosphere in which they thrive, yet unlike humans from your world, that specific gas is the only kind they can breathe. When offworld, a Corax will always wear a respiratory system fitted to supply this life-sustaining poison.>

Pepper whistled. "Finally, some exposition. So how do we get these bastards to choke on some of this fresh air? And how the hell do you know abo-"

<All will be told in due time, young Pepper. Now please, we must travel up river and set our trap. Time is of the essence.>

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Several kilometers away, a small group of crow-like hunters sped through the forest, powerful legs springing them from tree to tree, leaves and twigs ripping past their charcoal-feathered bodies. One hunter, slightly higher and behind the others (the customary position for Corax leaders) scanned the horizon with each leap above the canopy for their prey.

"Close..." it hissed from behind a gas-filled helmet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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