Chapter 46- Frozen Cogs of Revolution

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The candle on the nightstand flickered enchantingly, as if dancing to the soft melody traveling around the room.

Holding Lance to her breast, Adalina watched as the boy's tired eyes fought to stay open, while humming to him of days long past, of love struck maidens awaiting their beloved, and of a mother's affection. As he fed, she lovingly ran her hand through his fine red hair, stroking it as the boy was slowly pulled into the ever tranquil world of dreams once again.

Just like Anise, the child bore the fire of Troyle's red hair, along with his light brown eyes. He had grown up quite well, but in contrast to Kaidus' silent independence or Anise's cheerful reliance on her older brother, Lance was more of a selfish crybaby.

She smiled at his sleeping face and leaned down to plant a kiss on his forehead. Placing him back on her side of the bed, Adalina picked up the candle and left the room.

Lance's cries had woken her up in the middle of the night, but something else had caught her attention. On his side of the bed, Troyle was nowhere to be seen.


The two swords laid side by side on the table before him, naked and glistening softly as they were bathed in candlelight.

Whatever was within one of the swords was alive. It had protected him, had mercilessly dealt with their enemies, and would have killed the young noble too—had he not screamed out for it to stop.

He picked up the sword that the black spears and shield had emerged from. The weapon was of plain dark steel, newly forged only a few turns ago in the same design as his others: long and slim with a slight curve, and guardless—perfect for the Formless Blade style.

With a quick forward flick, the sword hummed through the air gracefully. The weapon felt perfect in his hand, no different from when he first got it. "..." Raising it to eye level, "I know you're there. Come on out." He spoke, addressing whatever was lurking within.

What answered was the darkness, mocking his every word with silent echoes.

"What are you?"

Again, there was nothing but silence.

"I know you can understand me. I have seen you do so. Show yourself."


"I command you in my son's name. Reveal yourself!" He demanded, yet the sword in his hand remained motionless and unchanged.

"Troyle?" Adalina's voice came from upstairs, and the sound of light footsteps followed. "Just what are you doing? And who were you talking to?" She questioned, coming down the stairs.

"Nothing. I'll be right up." He replied, placing the sword back onto the table.

"What's wrong?" Holding a candle in her hand, Adalina moved across the room to where he sat.

"Is Lance asleep already?"

"He is." Setting her candlestick onto the table, Adalina sat down next to him. "Did something happened during the trip to Gravas?"

"..." His mind scattered as he tried to think of what to say.

"Look at me." She took his face in her hands and turned it to face her. "No secrets remember? And you should know by now that I can tell when something is troubling you."

Troyle chuckled. She was right. Looking at Adalina in the dim light, she was beautiful. Even more so than when he first met her all those years ago by the river.

With resigned breaths, "Two men died under my watch, Ad." He spoke, lowering his eyes to avoid her gaze. "Because of my carelessness. Because of my complacency, I failed to notice that we were being watched." He paused, and she released him. "Seeing their lives fading before me, I was so blinded with anger that I... I could have lost my own life. I could have lost you all..."

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