Chapter 49- Fork in the Road

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A chorus of terror filled with irrepressible fear and silence resounded through the plaza. Listening to the muffled cries and silent prayers around him, Kaidus slowly reeled his fury under control as his mask of calm restructured itself. Keeping his focus on the mana that he had extended outward, he cleared his mind once again. 'Massssterrr... There Issss No Need For You To Bother With The Likessss Of Themmm...' The wind spirit hissed with a hint of discontent as it returned. Without answering Zion's selfish whim, Kaidus stepped out of the smoke with his eyes locked onto a man standing a distance away.

Wearing fine clothes of gray and red, the unknown man was clutching an item to his chest and mana swarmed about him like a hungry beast. Lying on the ground before the intruder, was the mage whom Zion had dispatched moments ago.

'Ba-bump' a single thought along with a single heartbeat, and the crude darkness came rushing back. Out in the open now, he could see that the devastating spell and ruthless execution would have eradicated everyone within the area, had he not contained the blast. Kaidus took a step forward and the abundance of mana around the mage suddenly vanished into the man's hand. Once again, he could feel the ring in his pocket bursting with mana.

"Tal'hrus..." the name spilled out of his mouth like poison. Mana surged into his fist as tranquility and order quickly collapsed to give way for savagery and wrath.

The slave market of Garnikul as suspected, was indeed a Tal'hrus operation. The fact became overwhelmingly clear and his body swiftly complied with his inner thoughts.

In a streak of light he reemerged behind the man. Without a word, he shattered the mage's mana barrier and plunged his right hand into the man's back. A sizzling sound and the smell of burnt flesh slowly permeated through the air as bones disintegrated and flesh melted. His arm burst through the man's chest to grasp at what the mage had been clutching, and he quickly drew back as the air crackled and the mage fell to the ground. Ravenous flames immediately rupture forth from the hole in the man's chest, eager to consume and erase the writhing body.

His fist still infused with the flames of rage, Kaidus opened them to reveal a familiar glowing ring that was quickly fading in his palm. The third of Eril's five mindless puppets. With a thought, the power along his arm receded and he lowered his hand to the sound of complete silence.

The indomitable fear from before had completely overtaken the plaza. All eyes were now fixated onto him, and the terrified audience--too afraid to make a single sound--watched in complete stillness. Drowning out the horrified gazes with unwavering purpose, he stowed the ring in his pocket and once again, began walking in the direction of the half dead man on one of the battered auction stages.


-Earlier that afternoon-

Expelling waves of mana into the air with each step he took, Kaidus quietly made his way toward the western side of Garnikul. Having caught wind of an irregularity while enjoying lunch, he was following traces of magic that his own mana had picked up on.

Like many other thriving towns, the narrow roads were rife with people pushing and shoving their way around. Greetings and conversations could be overheard here and there, while the booming voices of merchants trying to push their wares echoed through the air alongside the shouts of young children playing in the streets. With the multitude of sounds colliding in conflicting harmony along with a rustic lifestyle that seem to have remained unchanged throughout the years, the town gave off an impression of peacefulness. Yet just like Maverus, there was an unnaturally oppressive atmosphere that denoted otherwise.

As he broke away from the midtown residences and neared the more luxurious part of Garnikul, a curious group of men carrying weapons quickly ran past--as if pursuing something or someone. Stepping aside to let them by, the thought of following was quickly rejected and refocused toward the magic he had been tracking.

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