Chapter 4- Awakening

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"Ahhh!!!" The girl cried out. Faint traces of magic began emerging around her.

Kaidus quickly grasped what was happening. Swiftly moving to her side, he grabbed her shoulders and turned her upward to face him. Although surprised at the sudden development, "You need to focus, Naleen! Calm your mind!" He bellowed, trying to get through to her.

She looked at him with confusion before groaning in pain once more. "Naleen! Listen to--!" He attempted once again, but the girl's body went limp and flames erupted around them.
"Kuh-!" 'How troublesome' He grimaced, retreating as an inferno flared up around the girl. It whirled about, protecting her.

He didn't know why, but she had awoken. The sudden burst of magic protecting its owner was evidence enough. Although mages rarely lose conscious during the process, all awakenings were different depending on circumstances.
He couldn't help but stare, wondering if he needed to do something or stand back and watch.

Sensing movements behind him, he turned around to see that a man and woman—both wearing uniforms of the Mystiks guild—had jumped onto the stage.

"Move away, boy!" The man shouted.

Kaidus hastily retreated backwards, thankful at their arrival.

"... –vasu enarus! Ruziierus!" The woman invoked, bringing her arms up. A torrent of water surged forth from her arms, moving like a serpent, wrapping itself around the inferno spire. *TTSSSAAAA* a screen of steam quickly covered the stage, impeding their visions. "Sylas!" The woman shouted through the mist.

"...-nua! Azure Gale!!" The man invoked, and a powerful gust descended. Blowing away the steam, it revealed a water cyclone where the fire had been.

The water slowly stopped its rotation and slithered back to the woman who conjured it. "Well done." The woman spoke, touching it. The serpentine form vanished, and the water splashed down onto the stage.

As quickly as it happened, the fire was gone and everything was calm again.
Within a charred circle on the stage, a young lady was lying unconscious on the ground, sleeping peacefully as if nothing had happened. Parts of her leather armor and clothing were singed, but there were no burns or damages to the girl.

"Are you alright?" The man asked, arriving at his position with a few quick strides.

"I am, thank you." Kaidus answered.

"Good." With a single word, the man walked passed him, moving to check on the girl.

"We'll take care of it from here. Please go and rest for your next match." The woman who conjured the water serpent reassured him before moving to join her companion.

"Uh... Contestant Naleen is no longer able to continue. Young Kaidus advances to the final eight!" The announcer shouted awkwardly from the judge's area.
The audience that had gone quiet over the display of magic went into an uproar.

As he walked towards the edge of the stage, a woman ascended the stairs and ran past him. Following her was an imposing man who was giving off a very peculiar aura.
"Naleen! My daughter, is she..."

"Congratulations on your victory, Kaidus." The man commended, stopping before him.

"Thank you, my lord." He made a respectful bow towards to the older man. It was not lord Gelrin the Royal Knight Commander, but his son Huin.

"Your previous matches were quite spectacular. Seeing this one, I want to apologize for Naleen's lack of skills."

"Not at all. She was a great opponent."

"She will be stronger now, thanks to you." A smile appeared on the lord's stoic face.

Kaidus smiled. "I'm looking forward to the next time we cross swords again."

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