Chapter Two

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Rose's POV-

My eyes where closed and I couldn't keep the smile off my face as the bass to an unfamiliar song dropped sending vibrations through the windows of the car and my chest.

"How do you like it?" Marcel yelled over the music.

I opened my eyes and looked at him and said "I love it" as the music faded away. "That was ridiculous" I smiled even wider.

"That was a great song but this, this is still my favorite.." I watched as a smile appeared on his face while a new song started playing and I chuckled. Cinema. I remember the last time the Styles where here, I made Marcel a CD and Cinema was the last song on the track. Victoria even liked it. I ended up mailing Marcel another CD full of dubstep songs due to his never ending pleas.


"I really love this CD you made me." He had text me. "Do you know any other songs that are like cinema?" He asked

"Hey, ya I do but I don't know the names of them.. They're on my computer, I can make you another CD the next time we see each other. :)" I replied.

"But that might be foreverrrr" he whined.

"I could mail it to you then?"

"But that costs money. :("

"It can't cost too much. I'll make you a CD and mail it soon :)"

"Really? Your the best!"

"I know. xD I'll text you when I've mailed it."

"Alrighty :D"


"Who wants to hear a really awkward song?" Marcel asked when cinema came to an end.

"Me!" Emily and Eliza said in union.

I chuckled when Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood came on, my head falling into my hands trying to hide my humor when Marcel started shouting the lyrics.

"Touch my neck" He yelled while groping his neck, eyes on me the entire time. My lips twitched trying to keep a straight face. "And I'll touch yours" Marcel made one hell of a face and stroked my neck causing us both to burst into a fit of laughter.

"YOU IN THOSE LITTLE HIGH WAISTED SHORTS, OH" We both yelled and clinched our sides from laughing so hard afterwords.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK ABOU- Hey, Cora's coming back lock the doors!" Eliza yelled over the music. I snickered when Marcel clicked the lock bouton.

We all started shouting the lyrics to the song while Cora pounded on the car window, acting as if we didn't see her. I started doing some type of Napoleon Dynamite inspired dance moves and Marcel laughed so hard that he accidentally clicked the unlock bouton on his door allowing Cora to open the rear door with a loud and draw out "Finally!"

Still laughing Marcel stopped the music and took off his glasses so he could wipe the tears from his eyes as they settled on his phone screen.

"Dad said for us to come inside, he doesn't want us to use all of Dave's gas." Cora said and Harry groaned.

"Well, that was the best.. I'd say around five dollars of my dads I've ever spent." Marcel said while killing the engine, Emily and Eliza climbing out of the back.

"Two hours of non-stop fun for five people at only a buck a person.. Not to mention the fact that we're not annoying the adults. Huh, you'd think they'd want us to stay out here longer." I shrugged while closing the door to the vehicle. Marcel chuckled as we followed the girls inside.

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