More than just friends

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*Luhan POV*

Riku nor Kris could make it to lunch so I decided to just eat by myself and watch "The Heirs" after I finished eating and watching a episode of "The Heirs" I went up to my room and rested. I though about how I much I've missed China. Sometimes I want to go back but my studies is over here. Later on so will my singing career. I also really miss Kai. I hope he will come to Korea like he said when we were kids. I just thought and thought until my head hurt. I tend to overthink a lot. Some people tell me overthinking isn't good for you... But it just happens.

*overthinking until I had to go to the bathroom*

I didn't have much friends in Korea. My Korean wasn't as good as my Chinese but I still tried really hard to learn Korean and I think I am getting better and better everyday, at least people know what I am saying aha. It was 6:00pm so I just went to call my mom to say hello. My mom lives in China by the way.

"It's me luhan eomma"

"Oh luhan honey how are you doing in Korea?"

"im doing pretty good, when are you coming to Korea"

"Soon baby soon"

"Good because I really miss being with you"

"Your uncle is taking good care of you?"

"Yes eomma please come soon"

"I will luhan I will don't worry about me"

*i just shed into tears. I missed my eomma so much. I haven't seen her for 3 months. I know it's not much long but I'm so used to seeing her everyday. I missed her hugs and funny jokes I missed her.*

"Oh luhan honey don't cry I will definitely coming for 2 weeks don't worry, you should stay in Korea it will help your singing career you know that"

"Eomma I love you so much"

"I love you so much more honey"

I stopped crying and told my eomma goodbye. I also remembered there was school tomorrow T.T

||Riku's *POV*||

I couldn't stop thinking about Baekhyun... I've have the biggest crush on Baekhyun since last year. It always makes me so sad when remember that Baekhyun doesn't like me, Well that's what I think anyways. I always thought about him. I always saw him in school and wouldn't say a hello because I was so shy. So, when I stopped fantasying about Baekhyun I went to watch "Boy over flower" I watched that show about four times. I know lee Minho came out with "The Heirs" and I actually watched that about two times because of beautiful lee Minho and so many other awesome actors and actresses. I just liked lee Minho with Geun Jandi a little better than Park Shin-Hye (Eunsang)

*after hours of "Boys over flower"*

I went to bed. It was 2am... But it was better than 5am. I woke up and I put on Jaejoong before I get out of bed. I love his voice and aha he's so perfect to me.

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