Chapter 13 (i want you)

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||Luhan's *POV||

That hug with Riku felt so good, I just wanted to hug for hours. She was so short but she managed to reach up my height and put her arms around my neck. She smelled like roses and it felt so good right there, our moment and nobody else's. I tried stop thinking nonsense and go to ELA class. Riku was sitting down, she was on her phone. I sat next to her..

"Hey Riku"

"Hey Luhan, um what's up?"

"Nothing much, um do you want to hang out after school?"

"I can't I have to study for a test sorry, do you want to come over?"

I somewhat looked at Riku's lips which was weird what's going on?

"Sure why not"

*Class started and 40 minutes of ELA*

Glancing at Riku which she wasn't even listening, she was on her phone again...

||Riku's *POV*||

I felt my cheeks turning steamy after looking over at Luhan. I loathed this... Luhan and I are only friends, I just stopped thinking about this topic and went on about daydreaming about Baekhyun. Oh he was just so cute. Luhan kept glancing at me but I just stared at my phone. I don't know what to feel anymore, I just stopped thinking about that...

After ELA it was math time, aha great T.T || I went to my locker and glanced over to sehun who was actually also talking to Yauenn! WTF IS GOING ON! Yauenn is now friends with Luhan who well didn't know the the situation but sehun knew everything... He knew everything I was going through. But I realized how selfish I was being. I was getting mad over their decisions. But then again I didn't want her to hurt them so my feelings took over the best of me and I went to her. No actually I burst walking to her.


"Please relax Riku I want to make omens" Yauenn said softly


"Riku calm down! people change you know"

I COULDN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! WHAT WAS GOING ON?! It's like everybody was on her side again.

"What is going on with you sehun? She played nice last year but she was rude to you!" I said

"Riku, I know I did a horrible things to you and stuff but I need you to know I'm sorry and I've changed" Yauenn said

I just stopped I wanted to slap her because of all the feels that came to me. I was about to slap her until Baekhyun grabbed my hand and took me away from her... Baekhyun took me to the lunch room, I was in tears because of that witch

Baekhyun right there hugged me... I couldn't resist but blush. I loved it so much. I couldn't believe byun Baekhyun who I've liked for 2 years hugged me. It was the moment I've been waiting for so long. We hugged for a while and I didn't get tired once. Once we stopped hugging he looked at me so closely and said...

"You're better than that"

"Baek-hyun ..."


We went back to hugging.

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