Chapter 12: story

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||Luhan *POV*||

After telling Riku about being friends with Yauenn, I decided to go get ice cream. I was walking and then Yauenn ran up to me.

"Hey Luhan, I couldn't help but hear that you want to be friends with me also?" Yauenn said

"O-oh yeah well I just feel like everybody deserves a second chance you know" Luhan replied

"Do you want to hang out. I haven't hanged with a lot of people in this school in while." Yauenn asked

"Ummm.. I mean I guess. I'm getting ice cream."


Yauenn and I found the ice cream shop, I saw Riku and Baekhyun walking to the park. I somewhat got jealous. I wanted to hang out with Riku. I mean I know Riku is probably kind of mad, but I know she won't be my friend for something like that. I glanced at Yauenn who kept staring at Riku. She looked so mad and looked like she wanted to just punch Riku.

"Yauenn, why did you date Baekhyun even though you knew Riku liked him?"

"I got mad at Riku after a while. She always talked about Baekhyun. I got so tired of it. She ignored me to hang out with minho all the time. Baekhyun liked me a lot. I didn't get the reason why not to date him. I got so annoyed by Riku, so I dated Baekhyun. I was so done with her."

"That's you're reason. You made fun of her. Do you think it's okay"

"I know I'm sorry."

Yauenn and I made a bunch of jokes after the awkwardness. I actually had really fun. We even took a selca.

||Riku *POV*||

I was lying on my bed, then I remembered how Luhan took a selca with Yauenn. First say you're her friend, then you take a selca with her?


I went to my locker and saw that Luhan was talking to Yauenn again. I couldn't believe their hanging out a lot. She's probably going to hurt him. While Luhan was turning around. She looked at me and give me a nasty look. I got so so mad. Ugh what is Luhan thinking /.\ I saw Sehun and ran to him.

"Why is Luhan talking to Yauenn?" Sehun asked

"Whatever, I mean it's his decision." I replied

"I missed to much aha,"

"I really wish he wouldn't hang out with her. I can't tell him who to be friends with."

"Yeah, hey Suho and I are going to hang out after school. You want to come?"

"Oh no I can't. I have to study for a huge test."

"Oh okay. I'll see you in ELA"

"Okay bye"

Luhan glanced over at me. He was walking right towards me.

"Hey Riku."


"I have a soccer game on Saturday can you make it?"

"Yeah no problem."

"Okay good."

"Can we sit together in class?"

"Yeah duh. We are awesome friends"

"Riku. You're so awesome"

"No you are"

We randomly just hugged each other. It felt so good. Luhan smiled so good. I wanted go hug him forever. I snapped out of my crazy thought and walked away from Luhan. What am I thinking? I can't think about Luhan like that. I just got freaked out and went to class. Which Luhan was also there.

DUN... DUN... DUN...

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