Chapter 7

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Hey everyone on Wattpad :) I know chapter six was short, I don't know how to add more things to published chapters :x so if you know please help. Also I'm starting to have a lot of feelings for Baekhyun. He's so perfect. I have been on and she posted secrets about EXO... She said

"Baekhyun is obviously a dick"

And I don't understand how he can possibly be a dick? He's so sweet and just I don't see any rude things about him. I'm also not bashing on

That's her opinion and this is mine.

Chapter 7 will mostly be about Baekhyun... Since I have a huge crush on him in this fan-fic.

If it sounds like its barely about Luhan, just be patient. He's not going to like me after seven chapters. This fan-fic will be very long. So if you like it keep reading :)

(I am sorry for the long introduction for chapter seven, I had a lot to say)


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