Chapter 2 - "Pose! I'm sending this to the circus"

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"What the heck its happening?!" Ethan is dressed like a cow... yeah a cow, Ryan and Bryan are playing with water guns, and last but not least Zane and Allan who are dressed as ballerinas. Everybody looked at me and smiled... "I'm not even going to ask..." then I remembered something, I got my phone out of my pocket "get all together, pose! I'm sending this to the circus, maybe they'll hire you!"

"Funny" Ethan pulled out his tongue, so I did the same, then I remembered another thing

"Where are Logan, Archer, and Tobby?" they all looked at each other until Zane talked (weird)

"In the closet" I laughed a little

"What kind of closet?" we all laughed, I went to the closet and found nothing "no,  seriously  where are they?"

"Haven't you guessed already?" Zane talked, but it was really difficult to take him seriously with his "masculine" ballerina outfit


"We don't know where they are" something about him seemed... weird... I don't know maybe those eyes that looked at me curiously, but with intensity... those green or blue eyes... Wait?! What?! No?! HE IS UGLY AS HECK?!

"Want a bucket for the drooling" he was mocking me

"don't worry I was just compering you to a chimpanzee, you really are alike, maybe they are your lost brothers"

"Stop angry birds"

"why did you just say..." he interrupted me, of course

"Don't you dare say anything about my new phrase angry birds, I thought that one for hours"

"And I am the chimpanzee"


"I wasn't talking"

"Ryan, Bryan, Zane stop talking at the same time, its creepy" I needed to find those two, they are going to get into so much trouble "Ok I have a plan, lets separate and look for them groups of two, lets use that thing you have Ryan"

"You mean my hat?"

"yeah, Bryan give me the paper, and Ethan give me that pen" once I had everything I wrote all our names down in the papers and put them in the hat. "Zane get a paper" he got a paper out of the hat

"Ethan" Now its Ryan's turn

"Ryan..." again, people must LOVE interrupting me

"No I'm going with Bryan I don't care what you say" whatever

"ok I don't care, I guess my partner is the chimpanzee" He rolled his eyes, ugh, I hate it when people do that to me but I do that all the time, you get me? "Ethan, and Zane look in the school campus" they nodded and left the house "Ry, Bry, look places where you think they could be, like their favorite places"

"yes ma'am" they did a weird military sign with their hand and left. I was ALONE with Allan

"Want to know what I think"


"you are going to hear it anyways" we were walking to his car, I didn't even say where we are suppose to go

"Where are we going?"

"Logan, Archer and Tobby are fine they are having morning tutoring"

"why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to take you to see something but Ethan would kill me if he knew" now I wanted to know, you know that feeling when someone tells you to not do something but you do it anyways because you feel like you are going to die if you don't find out. That was me right now


We all seem like really nice and... well I was going to say normal but everybody knows we are not, but everybody in the house has a secret, we seem funny, and careless but we all hide something, we share the same secret, Abbie was going to find out sooner or later, but she had something that makes you be yourself. I knew she was going to be afraid but what choice did I have...

"Ethan its calling you" said Abbie, looking at me carefully. I got my phone and answer



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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