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With high expectations, human beings leave Earth to begin a new life in space Colonies. However, the United Earth Sphere Alliance gains great military powers, and soon seizes control of one colony after another in the name of Justice and Peace. The year is After Colony 195. Operation Meteor. In a move to counter the Alliance's tyranny, rebel citizens of certain Colonies scheme to bring new arsenals to the Earth, disguising them as shooting stars. However, the Alliance headquarters catches on to this operation


A young girl was sitting in class reading a book quietly whilst she ignored pretty much everyone in class, especially the two boys in front of her, bickering about something non-important. Sighing quietly, the young girl drops her head in annoyance closes her book, stands up and grabs two other books and chucks them at the two boys’ heads, and they both drop to the ground.

“Jesus, can you boys get along just once!” The young girl shouts at them. “You two bickering all the time gets very annoying.” She puts her hands on her skirt clad hips closes her eyes and shakes her head gently.

“It’s not my fault, Rose!” shouts one of the boys, “it’s the stupid Ox! He keeps trying to antagonize me into thinking I started it!”

“That’s not true you stupid cat!”

And there they go again... Rose sighs again and leans against her desk, her light green eyes closing annoyance. She looks back up seeing them at each others throats once more. Shaking her head, she grabs her things and begins leaving to the gym, since that is their next class.

Everyone decided to leave them, this happens quite a lot, and no one bothers to tell them to get to class, not even the teachers...


After getting dressed (she swears the teachers are perverts!) in her P.E uniform Rose walks out of the locker room and stands beside her two best friends, Trisha and Amara, they all stood there awaiting for the Gym Coaches instructions. Rose blinks when she storms into the gym and stands in front of the girls.

“All right girlies, today we’re playing Volleyball!” The coach yells at them, making every one of the girls flinch at her voice. “Sohma! Smith! Captains, let’s go!”

“Amara and Trisha are on my team.” Rose tells them and Smith nods, and they continue picking. When everyone was done, Rose stood in the serving spot, she serves the ball and quickly runs to the spot, and begins getting ready.

The game went by quickly, Rose’s team won of course, they did have the best player on their team. Rose felt the sweat drop from her forehead gently and she uses her hand to wipe it off and walks to the locker room and changes back into her uniform. After getting done, she grabs her bag and leaves the gym to go home, she smiles and waves to her friends and walks off.

Turning a corner, she sees her best friend sitting there waiting for her, Rose smiles widely and trots up to her seeing her best friend snapping her tail back and fourth. Rose stops and her best friend jumps on her shoulder, as Rose looks both ways to find out if any car was coming seeing none coming, Rose quickly trots across the street and then walks on the sidewalk back to her apartment.

~Daddy, am I doing the right thing? I'm here on earth protecting the people from the threat but at what cost...? I’m not sure if I’m doing something right or wrong? Guide me to the right path daddy...~

After getting into the apartment, she ducked when her adoptive father came to kick her, and he went outside quickly and landed in the road where there were a few...casualties... Screaming was heard behind her.

“Oh my god, that man is dead-!” A random woman shouts. Slam!

“How was school, Rose?” A voice asks from the kitchen as she walks in.

A Year Without Rain ※ Gundam WingWhere stories live. Discover now