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Rose smiles and stretches her body, making sure to get all the muscles relaxed before she began training. Train was putting on her sparring music before she started. Making her life so much easier, she then stands in front of Haru, ready to battle.

"Ready?" asked Haru, Rose nodded and she heard 'Scream' playing in the background, "and go!"

Rose quickly charged at him and went to kick him, but he put his arm and blocked it. She bent down and put both hands on the ground and raised her other foot and quickly kicked him in the jaw, he flew slightly upwards and landed on the ground and wiped the blood from his mouth and smirked and Kyo came up behind her and she twisted her body and used her feet to kick around her.

Kyo blocked a couple kicks but hit the one side and he slid right and stopped, she hopped back up on her feet and jumped high into the air and landed on Kyo's arms and she twisted her body and threw him towards Haru, Kyo made contact with his brother and they both slid on the ground. The song changed to 'In the End' She smirked and quickly charged again, grabbed a ribbon Sven made for her and tossed at Haru.

The ribbon made contact with Haru's left leg and she yanked it and he smirked and yanked it harder and she flew forward. Good, just as planned and she put her left hand down, threw her body forward, and kicked him in the stomach.

Sven monitored her every move and put on the microphone in there, "Use your butt when you do that next time, when you are higher use your chest!"

"Right!" Rose yelled back and jumped into the air and went to do a back flip and put momentum in her chest and slammed her feet against Haru's chest and landed on the ground with a slide. She charged once again at Kyo and used her ribbon to grab him around the waist and yanked him towards her and pulled back her fist and went to punch him.

Kyo grabbed her hand before it made contact with his face; Rose growled and brought her left leg up to kick him in the side, she made contact and he flew sideways and she landed on the ground. Haru grabbed her from behind and whispered in her ear;

"Never let your guard down."

"Who said I did?" Rose retorted back and pushed her body forward over his head and he flew backwards and onto his knees. 'Dance with the Devil' started playing when his knees hit the ground and she pushed against his back.

Kyo snuck up behind her, but her senses heightened and she let go of Haru and back-flipped high into the air and landed on Kyo's back and pushed against it and did another back-flip and landed on the ground.

"Good job, Rose. Blind fold now."


She took the black blindfold and tied it around her eyes and let her senses be her guide. She looked around to hear anything around her. Rose heard shuffling behind her, and she ducked before she was hit and she smirked putting her hands in front of her and pushed her foot back into her attackers' stomach and he flew back.

"Good job, that's it for the night." Sven called out, Rose took off her blindfold and looked around. She was proud of herself; she didn't use her phasing powers, not once. Rose smiled and walked out and pulled a towel from the rack wiping her face.


Rose was wearing her usual attire, you know, lavender dress that hugged her curves, a blue sash crossing over her breasts, and she wore her crown. She was worried, if she did this, what would happen to her actual home?

"I will like to present, Rosalina Marie-Iris Hotaru."

Everyone claps, Rose was sitting in the front row looking down at the ground. She bit her lip and looked up and heard clapping, oh, they must've called her. She stood up and walked up there.

A Year Without Rain ※ Gundam WingWhere stories live. Discover now