Chapter 1

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This is a prequel to my other book 'Forbidden', so if you came from there; Welcome! And if you just found this randomly and you don't know how you got here; ...Hi. I don't know how you're here either.
You don't need to read this one to understand Forbidden, I just thought this would be cool?

Prince's P.O.V

I was skipping around the halls happily. Today was Thomas' first day at middle school and I heard we were getting a new emotion today! So far it was only me, Logic, Morality, Love, and Mischief. It was really exciting to see who'd be joining us! Oh–I hope its someone nice! I could have a new friend..! 😃

"Prince! Prince! They're arriving..!" Morality calls for me. I smile widely, running to the control room. When I get there, all the others are already waiting. That's when I noticed there was a new chair forming from the corner of my eye. It's happening! But when I looked at it, it was all black ( except for some blue and white patterns ), unlike our chairs.. Huh?
We were all staring at it, obviously confused, until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I flinched and turned behind me, and what I saw was...not what I expected..

"Who are you..?!" I ask, taking a step back into Morality.
He just stares at me for a moment before responding, "Anxiety's the name.." He – 'Anxiety' – said quietly.
Anxiety? What's Anxiety? And why does he look so..dull, and sad?
Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "Let's go.." Logic mumbled, dragging me away and motioning for the others to follow.
"O-Oh, but I–"
"I'll tell you in a second.." Logic whispers, interrupting me, while Morality takes my other arm and walks with me.

We all arrive in Logic's room, leaving Anxiety in the control room. "What was that about?" I look at them all.
"Yeah, Logic. What's going on?" Love nodded in agreement with me.
"We can't talk to him. He–He's Anxiety! Look, I've read the books, it's dark emotion." Logic explains. I tilt my head in confusion. Dark emotion? What does that mean?
And as if Logic reads my mind, he keeps talking, "Dark emotions are..emotions, that only give off a negative feeling. Anxiety means fear, and it sometimes causes panic attacks. Therefore, it's bad. The light emotions, us, are not allowed to talk to people like that."

"So..There's only Light and Dark emotions?" Mischief speaks up.
Logic goes a bit pale, before clearing his throat and shaking his head. "N-No, you could be a both–"
"Like me!" Love cuts in, smiling.
Logic nods and continues, "–But th-that's rare-ish.." While he was explaining, Morality had gone up and hugged him.
"So...None of us can't talk to him?" I ask.
"Nope." Morality says quietly. Logic nods.

I still don't understand. How is he 'bad'? And why? There's good in everyone..! But I guess I won't talk to him. I don't want to break the rules!

Anxiety's P.O.V

Logic took them all away, leaving me alone. Yay... Well, I suppose I better get used to it anyway. I'm probably gonna be
the only 'dark' one for a while, meaning I won't be able to talk to anyone for a long time. Fun.
This is probably the first negativity they've ever experienced so far. Except for Logic.

I glance around my surroundings, before walking over to my newly spawned room next to a bunch of empty ones. Going inside the room, I notice it's already decorated to suit me. Black and grey sheets, black walls, a computer, and a guitar. Yes! I've always wanted to learn to play..!

This may not be that bad after all.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please tell me if I got anything wrong, and if I could improve in any way.
See you all next time,


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