Chapter 5

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Author POV:

Izzabeth Arrived Home with Johnny boasting with Happiness. Johnny listened to everything she said and smiled.

Izzabeth: And I met a New friend today, Oh my God Dad she was Amazing. She was so nice and friendly, and She doesn't even care if I'm a Hybrid, she likes me for who I am. And Gemotry class is so easy. I can't wait to tell mom Tonight

Johnny: I'm happy your first day was terrific, Izza. You Hungry?

Izzabeth: Oh yeah. Is there any Anchovies with Goat Vomit?

Johnny made an Disgusted face and Izzabeth laughed.

Izzabeth: I was just kidding Dad. I'll have one Large Pepperoni Pizza with Doritos Chips and Sprite

Johnny: That's My Girl, eating like a Pro.

Izzabeth chuckled as she sat down on the chair.

Izzabeth: It's 4:45 in the afternoon, Is Mom Up yet?

Johnny shook his head.

Johnny: No, Your Mother doesn't get up till 7. But Grandma Linda and Grandpa Mike is Up. Go tell them how your day was

Izzabeth POV:

I nodded as I Transformed into a bat and flew off. I pressed the elevator button with my wing and waited.

As I waited I passed by Several monsters. I went into the elevator and pressed the high button.

I waited as I hummed the music. As the elevator opened, I began to fly to Grandma Linda and Grandpa Mike's room.

But I stopped when I heard a sob. I flew back and looked at Grandpa Drac room. He was sobbing on a picture of Grandma Martha.

I Transformed back and walked inside.

Me: Grandpa Drac....Are you okay?

Grandpa Drac: Izzabeth, How was your first day of school?. Did you make lots of friends?

Me: Grandpa Drac, I heard you sob. What's wrong?

I sat next to him on his coffin.

Grandpa Drac: Do you know that woman?

I stared at the picture.

Me: Well, Mom told me about her. She said that She said that she had to go to an important business, and was never seen again

Grandpa Drac Shook his head.

Grandpa Drac: She lied

I looked at him in Confusion.

Me: What?

Grandpa Drac: Your Late Grandmother was killed by Human in 1894 just few days after Your Mother was Born. Ever since then I vowed to protect Her from Anything that Can Harm her. It's the Main reason why I built this hotel. To Protect her

I looked down. Is that what Mom is doing to me?.

Grandpa Drac: I never let her outside again. I Homeschooled her. I thought she was staying here Forever. But, when she met your Father and when they Zinged it changed Thier World's. They fell in love and got married. And had your Brother and You

Me: What's a Zing?

I asked feeling Confused.

Grandpa Drac: A Zing is when a Monster and another Monster or a Monster with a Human see each other for the very first time and connect. They fall in love with each other faster than lighting

Me: So in other words....Love at First Sight?

Grandpa Drac nodded his head.

Grandpa Drac: Izzabeth, Your growing Up. And in 5 Months, You'll be 16. You will be experiencing your Zing soon. I don't know at Vhat age but your going to Experience it. And Your Mom can't protect you from that

I looked down. He's right. Mom Can't Keep me from Falling in love. It's time for her to back off.

Cause when I do Zing, I will not let her keep me from Him. Because if she does, she'll wish she never had me.

Hotel Translyvania Fanfic (2): Izzabeth's First ZingWhere stories live. Discover now