Chapter 8

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Author POV:

Mavis Couldn't believe it. She promised she'll protect Izzabeth from the moment she was born.

And She's not about to Fail her little Girl.

Mavis: Hey, Um my name is Mavis Dracula and Welcome to Hotel Translyvania

Zach: My name is Zachary but my Folks call me Zach. I'm 15 and I just moved here

Mina: I'm Zach's Mom. You know him being in a Hotel Me and My husband thought it'll be nice for him to make some Friends

Zoey: Wow funny thing. Me and My Best friend here are also 15 and Will like to show Zach around...If that's okay with you

Izzabeth gasped and looked at Zoey. She knew that Zoey was just trying to get her and Zach alone.

Stewie: No, It's alright. We'll meet you at the Pool Zach in an Hour

Zach nodded as he watched his parents leave. He looked Back at Izzabeth and Zoey's and blushed when he saw Izzabeth.

Mavis: It's alright Zoey. I'll show Zach around

Dracula: No Mavy Wavy, It's okay. Obviously the girls should show Zach around. Come on, we'll find some people and see if they need any help

Mavis was about to object but Dracula pulled on her arm.

Izzabeth: S-So Zach...Uh....How...No wait...Um

Izzabeth felt herself Blush harder. she couldn't even talk to Zach and she just met the boy. But when Thier eyes met, it felt like she knew him for years.

Zach: Uh...Can you tell me when this hotel was built?

Izzabeth: Oh yeah, Come on follow me.

The teens started to walk.

Izzabeth: This Hotel was built in 1977 By My Grandfather Count Dracula

Zach: So...How Old was Your Mom. If you don't mind me asking

Izzabeth chuckled. Zach is so Sweet and Curious

Izzabeth: In 1977 my Mom was 83

Zach gasped loudly.

Zach: Whoa, So like...How old are you?

Izzabeth: Well...I am a Hybrid. So I'm immortal. But I am 15

Zach Looked down and Blushed Softly.

[Back with Dracula and Mavis]

Mavis: Dad You don't understand. Izzabeth just had her first Zing. She's not ready for this

Dracula: Why Not?. When you were 118 I thought the same thing. But look at you. Married and have kids. Come on Mavis, I think it's time

Mavis: No!. I am not failing Izzabeth. I will Protect her forever...and You can't stop me

Mavis said as she transformed into a bat and flew off.

Hotel Translyvania Fanfic (2): Izzabeth's First ZingWhere stories live. Discover now